我看到有人给了我一个负1。我是一个55岁的母亲,没有经验。我有很多技能,但这不是其中之一。我非常绝望,为了达到这一步我已经破产了。如果你帮不上忙,我接受,但请不要对我不利。我现在在哭。一些鼓励将不胜感激。我有一个页面,它在转发器上显示数据库中的项目。该代码使用从数据库中填充的几个下拉过滤器搜索项目。间歇性地,看似随机的(尽管进行了广泛的测试,但没有出现任何模式)代码无法填充随机下拉过滤器(一个或多个下拉过滤器显示默认设置,而不是从数据库中自行填充的设置)。我通过反复访问页面或反复刷新页面发现了这一点。通常代码可以工作,然后每 3 或 4 次,一个或多个下拉过滤器显示其默认设置,而不是从数据库中自行填充的设置(然后下次出错时,它可能是相同的或不同的或一组不起作用的过滤器)这是代码。在此页面上,有 3 个下拉过滤器,但我有几个这样的页面,每个页面显示和搜索不同的数据库,每个页面上最多有 10 个下拉过滤器,它们都有这个间歇性问题...... 它可能是相同或不同的一个或一组不起作用的过滤器)这是代码。在此页面上,有 3 个下拉过滤器,但我有几个这样的页面,每个页面显示和搜索不同的数据库,每个页面上最多有 10 个下拉过滤器,它们都有这个间歇性问题...... 它可能是相同或不同的一个或一组不起作用的过滤器)这是代码。在此页面上,有 3 个下拉过滤器,但我有几个这样的页面,每个页面显示和搜索不同的数据库,每个页面上最多有 10 个下拉过滤器,它们都有这个间歇性问题......

import wixData from "wix-data"; 

$w.onReady(function () {    

let lastFilterTitle;        
let lastFilterCounty;
let lastFilterGeog;

export function iTitle_change(event, $w) { 
    filter($w('#iTitle').value, lastFilterCounty, lastFilterGeog);

export function iCounty_change(event, $w) { 
    filter(lastFilterTitle, $w('#iCounty').value, lastFilterGeog);

export function iGeog_change(event, $w) { 
    filter(lastFilterTitle, lastFilterCounty, $w('#iGeog').value);

function filter(title, county, geog) {        
    if (lastFilterTitle !== title || lastFilterCounty !== county || lastFilterGeog !== geog) {            
        let newFilter = wixData.filter();       
        if (title)
            newFilter = newFilter.eq('title', title); 
        if (county)
            newFilter = newFilter.eq('county', county);
        if (geog)
            newFilter = newFilter.eq('geog', geog);
                .then(() => {                
                 if ($w('#dataset1').getTotalCount() ===0) {
                 else {
                .catch((err) => {
        lastFilterTitle = title;
        lastFilterCounty = county;
        lastFilterGeog = geog;        

    // Run a query that returns all the items in the collection
        // Get the max possible results from the query 
        .then(results => {
           let distinctList = buildOptions(results.items);
           // unshift() is like push(), but it prepends an item at the beginning of an array
           distinctList.unshift({ "value": '', "label": 'All Psychologists'});
           //Call the function that builds the options list from the unique titles
           $w("#iTitle").options = distinctList

function buildOptions(items) {
    return items.map(curr => {
        //Use the map method to build the options list in the format {label:uniqueTitle, valueuniqueTitle}
        return { label: curr, value: curr };

    // Run a query that returns all the items in the collection
        // Get the max possible results from the query 
        .then(results => {
           let distinctList = buildOptions(results.items);
           // unshift() is like push(), but it prepends an item at the beginning of an array
           distinctList.unshift({ "value": '', "label": 'All Counties'});
           //Call the function that builds the options list from the unique titles
           $w("#iCounty").options = distinctList

function buildOptions1(items) {
    return items.map(curr => {
        //Use the map method to build the options list in the format {label:uniqueTitle1, valueuniqueTitle1}
        return { label: curr, value: curr };

    // Run a query that returns all the items in the collection
        // Get the max possible results from the query 
        .then(results => {
           let distinctList = buildOptions(results.items);
           // unshift() is like push(), but it prepends an item at the beginning of an array
           distinctList.unshift({ "value": '', "label": 'All Regions'});
           //Call the function that builds the options list from the unique titles
           $w("#iGeog").options = distinctList

function buildOptions2(items) {
    return items.map(curr => {
        //Use the map method to build the options list in the format {label:uniqueTitle2, valueuniqueTitle2}
        return { label: curr, value: curr };

export function button45_click(event, $w) {
    //Add your code for this event here: 
   filter($w('#iTitle').value='', $w('#iCounty').value='', $w('#iGeog').value='');



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