我对 Joomla 真的很陌生,而且 1.6 看起来也很新,所以我在将数据保存到模块后端的模块参数字段中时遇到了一些麻烦。
我有一个小型联系人管理器,我希望人们使用 Joomla 1.6 中的 joomla 模块订阅它。现在模块已创建,一切正常。我什至正确地在模块后端创建了一个自定义字段,该字段调用我的 API 并使用所需的数据填充下拉框。
- 我去 Joomla admin 中的模块管理器。
- 我选择我安装的模块并让它打开。
- 代码运行以使用联系人可以订阅的大量列表名称填充下拉框。
- 踢球者- 我希望能够选择一个列表名称并将一个 ID 保存到 Joomla DB onchange 的模块参数字段中,并带有一个 ajax 请求 -
我让 onchange 事件工作,甚至使用发布请求运行脚本,但是在我用来处理发布和保存数据的 PHP 文件中,我无法让数据库实例对其执行任何操作。这就是解释,这是代码:
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Direct Access to this location is not allowed.');
//import the necessary class definition for formfield
// Include API utility file
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/pmailer_subscription_api.php');
* Defines the JFormFieldLists class for the pMailer subscription module for
* Joomla CMS version 1.6 to get the lists provided the API key.
* @category Joomla
* @package Modules
* @copyright 2011 Prefix Technologies Pty (Ltd) (http://www.prefix.co.za/)
* @link http://www.pmailer.co.za/
class JFormFieldLists extends JFormField
* The form field type.
* @var string
* @since 1.6
protected $type = 'lists'; //the form field type
* Method to retrieve the lists that resides in your pMailer account using
* the API.
* @return array The field option objects.
* @since 1.6
protected function getInput()
$document = JFactory::getDocument();
JURI::base() . '../modules/mod_pmailer_subscription/lib/'
. 'mod_pmailer_subscription.js'
$options = array();
$attr = '';
* Initialize JavaScript field attributes. This is the path to the
* ajax handler that will save your list selection.
$attr .= $this->element['onchange'] = (string)
'onchange="javascript: saveListSelection(\''
. JURI::base()
. '../modules/mod_pmailer_subscription/lib/utils.php'
. '\')"';
// Get the database instance
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
// Build the select query
$query = 'SELECT params FROM jos_modules'
. ' WHERE module="mod_pmailer_subscription"';
$params = $db->loadObjectList();
// Decode the options to get thje api key and url
$options = json_decode($params[0]->params, true);
// Create a new API utility class
$api = new PMailerSubscriptionApiV1_0(
// Get the lists needed for subscription
$response = $api->getLists();
// Make a default entry for the dropdown
$lists = array('0' => 'Please select a list');
// Builds the options for the dropdown
foreach ( $response['data'] as $list )
$lists[$list['list_id']] = $list['list_name'];
// The dropdown output
return JHTML::_(
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
if ( (isset($_POST['op']) === true) && ($_POST['op'] === 'saveList') )
$query = 'SELECT params FROM jos_modules'
. ' WHERE module="mod_pmailer_subscription"';
$params = $db->loadObjectList();
// Decode the options to get thje api key and url
$options = json_decode($params[0]->params, true);
$options['list_selection'] = (int)$_POST['id'];
$new_params = json_encode($options);
$query = 'UPDATE jos_modules SET params = "' . $new_params
. ' WHERE module="mod_pmailer_subscription"';
echo 'success';
// Gets called on dropdown change event
function saveListSelection(url)
// Ajax code here to save list selection
var x = new Request({
url: url,
method: 'post'
}).send('op=saveList&id=' + $('mod_pmailer_lists_box').get('value'));