我是 docker 和 Modbus 的新手,我正在尝试使用 Modbus(准确地说是 pymodbus 工具包)编写自定义客户端/服务器应用程序,我可能遇到了 docker 的一些问题。
from pymodbus.server.sync import StartTcpServer
from pymodbus.server.sync import StartTlsServer
from pymodbus.server.sync import StartUdpServer
from pymodbus.server.sync import StartSerialServer
from pymodbus.device import ModbusDeviceIdentification
from pymodbus.datastore import ModbusSequentialDataBlock, ModbusSparseDataBlock
from pymodbus.datastore import ModbusSlaveContext, ModbusServerContext
from pymodbus.transaction import ModbusRtuFramer, ModbusBinaryFramer
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# configure the service logging
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
import logging
FORMAT = ('%(asctime)-15s %(threadName)-15s'
' %(levelname)-8s %(module)-15s:%(lineno)-8s %(message)s')
log = logging.getLogger()
def run_server():
store = ModbusSlaveContext(
di=ModbusSequentialDataBlock(0, [17]*100),
co=ModbusSequentialDataBlock(0, [17]*100),
hr=ModbusSequentialDataBlock(0, [17]*100),
ir=ModbusSequentialDataBlock(0, [17]*100))
context = ModbusServerContext(slaves=store, single=True)
identity = ModbusDeviceIdentification()
identity.VendorName = 'Pymodbus'
identity.ProductCode = 'PM'
identity.VendorUrl = 'http://github.com/riptideio/pymodbus/'
identity.ProductName = 'Pymodbus Server'
identity.ModelName = 'Pymodbus Server'
identity.MajorMinorRevision = '2.3.0'
StartTcpServer(context, identity=identity, address=("", 5020))
if __name__ == "__main__":
而且我只修改了 IP 地址。我可以让它在 localhost 上运行,但是当我将服务器部分放在 Docker 容器中时,我无法与之通信。
我正在使用 docker-compose,.yml 如下:
version: '3.4'
build: ./server
#network_mode: host
- 5020
- 5020:5020
from pymodbus.client.sync import ModbusTcpClient as ModbusClient
# from pymodbus.client.sync import ModbusUdpClient as ModbusClient
# from pymodbus.client.sync import ModbusSerialClient as ModbusClient
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# configure the client logging
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
import logging
FORMAT = ('%(asctime)-15s %(threadName)-15s '
'%(levelname)-8s %(module)-15s:%(lineno)-8s %(message)s')
log = logging.getLogger()
UNIT = 0x1
def run_sync_client():
client = ModbusClient('', port=5020)
log.debug("Reading Coils")
rr = client.read_coils(1, 1, unit=UNIT)
log.debug("Write to a Coil and read back")
rq = client.write_coil(0, True, unit=UNIT)
rr = client.read_coils(0, 1, unit=UNIT)
assert(not rq.isError()) # test that we are not an error
assert(rr.bits[0] == True) # test the expected value
log.debug("Write to multiple coils and read back- test 1")
rq = client.write_coils(1, [True]*8, unit=UNIT)
assert(not rq.isError()) # test that we are not an error
rr = client.read_coils(1, 21, unit=UNIT)
assert(not rr.isError()) # test that we are not an error
resp = [True]*21
assert(rr.bits == resp) # test the expected value
log.debug("Write to multiple coils and read back - test 2")
rq = client.write_coils(1, [False]*8, unit=UNIT)
rr = client.read_coils(1, 8, unit=UNIT)
assert(not rq.isError()) # test that we are not an error
assert(rr.bits == [False]*8) # test the expected value
log.debug("Read discrete inputs")
rr = client.read_discrete_inputs(0, 8, unit=UNIT)
assert(not rq.isError()) # test that we are not an error
log.debug("Write to a holding register and read back")
rq = client.write_register(1, 10, unit=UNIT)
rr = client.read_holding_registers(1, 1, unit=UNIT)
assert(not rq.isError()) # test that we are not an error
assert(rr.registers[0] == 10) # test the expected value
log.debug("Write to multiple holding registers and read back")
rq = client.write_registers(1, [10]*8, unit=UNIT)
rr = client.read_holding_registers(1, 8, unit=UNIT)
assert(not rq.isError()) # test that we are not an error
assert(rr.registers == [10]*8) # test the expected value
log.debug("Read input registers")
rr = client.read_input_registers(1, 8, unit=UNIT)
assert(not rq.isError()) # test that we are not an error
arguments = {
'read_address': 1,
'read_count': 8,
'write_address': 1,
'write_registers': [20]*8,
log.debug("Read write registeres simulataneously")
rq = client.readwrite_registers(unit=UNIT, **arguments)
rr = client.read_holding_registers(1, 8, unit=UNIT)
assert(not rq.isError()) # test that we are not an error
assert(rq.registers == [20]*8) # test the expected value
assert(rr.registers == [20]*8) # test the expected value
if __name__ == "__main__":
Docker 镜像启动正常,但是当我尝试运行客户端脚本时,我得到一个断言错误,这与failed-to-connect
2019-11-11 16:57:36,456 MainThread DEBUG client :83 Reading Coils
2019-11-11 16:57:36,456 MainThread DEBUG transaction :115 Current transaction state - IDLE
2019-11-11 16:57:36,456 MainThread DEBUG transaction :120 Running transaction 1
2019-11-11 16:57:36,457 MainThread DEBUG transaction :219 SEND: 0x0 0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x6 0x1 0x1 0x0 0x1 0x0 0x1
2019-11-11 16:57:36,457 MainThread DEBUG sync :75 New Transaction state 'SENDING'
2019-11-11 16:57:36,457 MainThread DEBUG transaction :228 Changing transaction state from 'SENDING' to 'WAITING FOR REPLY'
2019-11-11 16:57:41,460 MainThread DEBUG transaction :238 Transaction failed. (Modbus Error: [Invalid Message] Incomplete message received, expected at least 8 bytes (0 received))
2019-11-11 16:57:41,460 MainThread DEBUG socket_framer :147 Processing:
2019-11-11 16:57:41,460 MainThread DEBUG transaction :394 Getting transaction 1
2019-11-11 16:57:41,460 MainThread DEBUG transaction :193 Changing transaction state from 'PROCESSING REPLY' to 'TRANSACTION_COMPLETE'
2019-11-11 16:57:41,460 MainThread DEBUG client :85 Modbus Error: [Input/Output] Modbus Error: [Invalid Message] Incomplete message received, expected at least 8 bytes (0 received)
2019-11-11 16:57:41,460 MainThread DEBUG client :100 Write to a Coil and read back
2019-11-11 16:57:41,461 MainThread DEBUG transaction :115 Current transaction state - TRANSACTION_COMPLETE
2019-11-11 16:57:41,461 MainThread DEBUG transaction :120 Running transaction 2
2019-11-11 16:57:41,461 MainThread DEBUG transaction :219 SEND: 0x0 0x2 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x6 0x1 0x5 0x0 0x0 0xff 0x0
2019-11-11 16:57:41,461 MainThread DEBUG sync :75 New Transaction state 'SENDING'
2019-11-11 16:57:41,461 MainThread DEBUG transaction :228 Changing transaction state from 'SENDING' to 'WAITING FOR REPLY'
2019-11-11 16:57:45,001 MainThread DEBUG transaction :304 Changing transaction state from 'WAITING FOR REPLY' to 'PROCESSING REPLY'
2019-11-11 16:57:45,001 MainThread DEBUG transaction :233 RECV:
2019-11-11 16:57:45,001 MainThread DEBUG socket_framer :147 Processing:
2019-11-11 16:57:45,001 MainThread DEBUG transaction :394 Getting transaction 2
2019-11-11 16:57:45,001 MainThread DEBUG transaction :193 Changing transaction state from 'PROCESSING REPLY' to 'TRANSACTION_COMPLETE'
2019-11-11 16:57:45,001 MainThread DEBUG transaction :115 Current transaction state - TRANSACTION_COMPLETE
2019-11-11 16:57:45,001 MainThread DEBUG transaction :120 Running transaction 3
2019-11-11 16:57:45,001 MainThread DEBUG transaction :219 SEND: 0x0 0x3 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x6 0x1 0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x1
2019-11-11 16:57:45,001 MainThread DEBUG sync :75 New Transaction state 'SENDING'
2019-11-11 16:57:45,002 MainThread DEBUG transaction :238 Transaction failed. ([Errno 32] Broken pipe)
2019-11-11 16:57:45,002 MainThread DEBUG socket_framer :147 Processing:
2019-11-11 16:57:45,002 MainThread DEBUG transaction :394 Getting transaction 3
2019-11-11 16:57:45,002 MainThread DEBUG transaction :193 Changing transaction state from 'PROCESSING REPLY' to 'TRANSACTION_COMPLETE'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "client.py", line 166, in <module>
File "client.py", line 103, in run_sync_client
assert(not rq.isError()) # test that we are not an error
我还尝试让容器使用主机接口(带有network-mode: host
)并且效果很好。因此,我相信我的容器的网络设置存在一些错误。从我可以拼凑起来的内容来看,docker 容器确实在指定的端口上侦听,但我的脚本不是?
我很高兴知道我的错误在哪里以及如何调试这些东西,我试图在 tcpdump 和 中找到一些东西docker network inspect