
• 早上 (m):7:30 至 14:45 • 清晨 (m1):6:45 至 14:00

• 早上待命 (im):6:30 至 14:45

• 下午(t):14:45 至 22:00

• 下午随叫随到 (it):13:45 至 22:00

• 夜间(n):22:00 至次日 7:30

• 待命之夜 (ino):21:00 至次日 7:30

• 办公室:10 至 14

• 休息日 (l):即使工人在当天早上 7 点完成工作,也被视为一夜后的第二天休息


  1. 如果周期有 5 个工作日 (m,m1,im,t,it,n,ino) 其余的必须是 48 小时或更多
  2. 如果周期有 6 个工作日 (m,m1,im,t,it,n,ino),其余的必须是 54 小时或更多
  3. 一个班次结束和下一个班次开始之间必须至少有 12 小时(包括办公室)。所以不可能有 n,t 例如
  4. 晚上:在一个晚上 (n) 或随叫随到的夜晚 (ino) 之后,必须休息 48 小时,除非您需要休息 54 小时的另一个夜晚 (nn) 或休息和夜晚 (nln)。所以有效的例子是 nllm(提供 48 小时休息)或 nnllt 或 nlnllt(提供 54 小时休息)。
  5. 一个周期最多接受 5 个早晨/清晨/随叫随到的早晨。
  6. 办公室不被视为工作日,但不计为休息,因此它必须遵守 12 小时休息作为其他类型的轮班,但每个周期的 5 或 6 天不计为工作日。
  7. 每个周期最多有 2 个呼叫班次。


至此,第 3 到第 7 条规则已经完成。我遇到的问题是 1 和 2,因为我无法通过常规约束来做到这一点(它变得太复杂了)。我正在尝试在我所做的连续轮班之间创建和排列休息时间的方法(图像的第三行)。例子:


问题是第四行:将连续休息时间相加(从一个班次结束+ 休息天数+ 到下一个班次开始),即将零与剩下的工作日(1)相加。然后统计>=48小时前的工作日,检查是否有5个或更少;计算 >=54 小时之前的工作日,以检查是否有 6 个或更少……只是一个想法。谢谢你的帮助!

这是到目前为止的代码(我在代码中包含了一个有效的 RosterCalculated 可以修改以通过手动更改代码而不是 var RosterCalculated 来测试代码。在这种情况下,也应该删除测试配置的约束)。我相信这更好地测试约束是否真的有效......

include "globals.mzn";

enum TypeOfShift = {l,m1,m,t,n,im,it,ino,o};  %Types of shifts
array[TypeOfShift] of float: StartTypeOfShift=[10, 6.75, 7.5, 14.75, 22, 6.5, 13.75, 21, 10]; %Starting hour. The time for l is just to put something convenient
array[TypeOfShift] of float: DurationTypeOfShift=[0, 7.25, 7.25, 7.25, 9.5, 8.25, 8.25, 10.5, 6]; %Duration of shifts (hours)
array[int] of int: DaysInRoster=[28, 29, 30, 31, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6,7,8,9,10]; %Dias a los que corresponde el turnero

int: NumberWorkers = card(Staff); 
int: NumDaysInRoster=length(DaysInRoster);
array[1..NumDaysInRoster,TypeOfShift] of int: Configuration = array2d(1..NumDaysInRoster,TypeOfShift,[ (if (tu==m1) then 1 else
                                                                                                   if (tu==m) then 2 else
                                                                                                   if (tu==t) then 2 else
                                                                                                   if (tu==o) then 0 else
                                                                                                   if (tu==im) then 1 else
                                                                                                   if (tu==n) then 2 else 0
                                                                                                   endif endif endif endif endif endif)|  d in 1..NumDaysInRoster, tu in TypeOfShift ]); %Easy example of configuration

array[Staff, 1..NumDaysInRoster] of TypeOfShift: RosterCalculated = [|t, n, n, l, l, l, l, m, m1, m, t, l, m1, l|
m, l, l, n, l, l, t, t, n, l, l, l, m, l|
n, l, l, m, m1, m, m, n, l, l, m, m, l, m1|
l, t, l, n, l, l, m, m, t, n, l, l, t, l|
t, l, t, l, l, m, t, l, m, t, n, n, l, l|
m, m, m, l, l, m1, m1, n, l, l, m, l, l, t|
n, l, l, l, t, n, n, l, l, l, m1, t, n, n|
l, m, n, l, n, l, l, l, t, n, l, l, t, l|
l, t, l, m, m, l, l, l, m, m, l, m1, m, m|
l, l, m, m1, t, t, l, m1, n, l, l, n, l, m|
l, l, m1, t, l, l, l, t, l, t, t, t, n, l|
m1, m1, t, t, n, n, l, l, l, m1, l, m, l, n|
l, n, l, l, m, t, n, l, l, l, n, l, l, t|];

% Variables
%array[Staff, 1..NumDaysInRoster] of var TypeOfShift: RosterCalculated;  % To create the roster. Remove this line if what we want is to check if the code is working
var int: NumberWorkersNeeded =  sum (i in Staff) ((sum(d in 1..NumDaysInRoster) (RosterCalculated[i,d] != l)));                                       
array[Staff, 1..NumDaysInRoster-1] of var float: RosterCalculatedRests = array2d(Staff, 1..NumDaysInRoster-1,[(24*(d)+StartTypeOfShift[RosterCalculated[i,d+1]]) - (24*(d-1)+StartTypeOfShift[RosterCalculated[i,d]] + DurationTypeOfShift[RosterCalculated[i,d]]) | i in Staff, d in 1..NumDaysInRoster-1]);

% Satisfy configuration. Remove this constraint if what we want is to check if the code is working
constraint forall(d in 1..NumDaysInRoster) 
              (((sum(i in Staff) (RosterCalculated[i,d] == m)) == Configuration[d,m]) /\ ((sum(i in Staff) (RosterCalculated[i,d] == m1)) == Configuration[d,m1]) /\ 
              ((sum(i in Staff) (RosterCalculated[i,d] == t)) == Configuration[d,t]) /\  ((sum(i in Staff) (RosterCalculated[i,d] == n)) == Configuration[d,n]));

% Satisfy configuration on call not necessary to comply
constraint forall(d in 1..NumDaysInRoster) 
              (((sum(i in Staff) (RosterCalculated[i,d] == im)) <= Configuration[d,im]) /\ ((sum(i in Staff) (RosterCalculated[i,d] == it)) <= Configuration[d,it]) /\ 
              ((sum(i in Staff) (RosterCalculated[i,d] == ino)) <= Configuration[d,ino]) /\ ((sum(i in Staff) (RosterCalculated[i,d] == o)) <= Configuration[d,o]));            

% El tiempo transcurrido entre la salida de un turno y la entrada al siguiente tiene que ser igual o superior a 12h. NO NECESARIOS CON MATRIZ V4 (MAS LENTO)
constraint forall(i in Staff, d in 1..NumDaysInRoster-1)
              ((RosterCalculated[i,d+1] != l ) -> (24*(d-1)+StartTypeOfShift[RosterCalculated[i,d]] + DurationTypeOfShift[RosterCalculated[i,d]] + 12 <= 24*d+StartTypeOfShift[RosterCalculated[i,d+1]]));

% Rest after night or on call night (could be changed by regular constraint) 48h or more 
constraint forall(i in Staff, d in 1..NumDaysInRoster-3)
              (((RosterCalculated[i,d] == n) \/ (RosterCalculated[i,d] == ino)) -> ((RosterCalculated[i,d+1]==l \/ RosterCalculated[i,d+1]==n \/ RosterCalculated[i,d+1]==ino) /\
              (RosterCalculated[i,d+2]==l \/ RosterCalculated[i,d+2]==n \/ RosterCalculated[i,d+2]==ino) /\
              (StartTypeOfShift[RosterCalculated[i,d+3]] >= 7.5 \/ RosterCalculated[i,d+3]==l)));  

% Rest after double night has to be 54h or more (could be changed by regular constraint)
constraint forall(i in Staff, d in 1..NumDaysInRoster-4)
              ((((RosterCalculated[i,d] == n) \/ (RosterCalculated[i,d] == ino)) /\ ((RosterCalculated[i,d+1] == n) \/ (RosterCalculated[i,d+1] == ino))) -> ((RosterCalculated[i,d+2]==l) /\
              (RosterCalculated[i,d+3]==l) /\
              (StartTypeOfShift[RosterCalculated[i,d+4]] >= 13.5 \/ RosterCalculated[i,d+4]==l)));  

% Rest after a night free night has to be 54h or more (could be changed by regular constraint)
constraint forall(i in Staff, d in 1..NumDaysInRoster-5)
              ((((RosterCalculated[i,d] == n) \/ (RosterCalculated[i,d] == ino)) /\ (RosterCalculated[i,d+1] == l) /\ ((RosterCalculated[i,d+2] == n) \/ (RosterCalculated[i,d+2] == ino))) -> ((RosterCalculated[i,d+3]==l) /\
              (RosterCalculated[i,d+4]==l) /\
              (StartTypeOfShift[RosterCalculated[i,d+5]] >= 13.5 \/ RosterCalculated[i,d+5]==l)));

% Transition matrix not coping with all the cases...
predicate Max6WorkingDays(array[int] of var TypeOfShift: shift) =
    let {
        array[1..17, 1..5] of 0..17: transition_relation = % Transition matrix not coping with all the cases...
           [|8,   1,    2,  2,  2
            |9,   2,    3,  3,  3
            |10,    3,  4,  4,  4
            |11,    4,  5,  5,  5
            |12,    5,  6,  6,  6
            |13,    6,  7,  7,  15
            |14,    7,  0,  0,  0
            |1,   1,    2,  2,  2
            |1,   2,    3,  3,  3
            |1,   3,    4,  4,  4
            |1,   4,    5,  5,  5
            |1,   5,    6,  6,  6
            |1,   6,    7,  7,  15
            |1,   7,    0,  0,  0
            |16,    0,  0,  0,  0
            |17,    0,  0,  0,  0
            |1,   0,    0,  2,  2
    } in
            [ if (s == l) then 1 else
              if s ==  o then 2 else
              if ((s == m) \/ (s == m1) \/(s == im)) then 3 else
              if ((s == t) \/ (s == it)) then 4 else
                              5 endif
              | s in shift],                % sequence of input values
            17,                             % number of states
            5,                              % number of different input values of state machine
            transition_relation,            % transition relation
            1,                              % initial state
            1..17,                          % final states
constraint forall(i in Staff)
            (Max6WorkingDays([RosterCalculated[i,j] | j in 1..NumDaysInRoster]));                                                              

% Two on calls per cycle as max
predicate Max2OnCall(array[int] of var TypeOfShift: shift) =
    let {
        array[1..5, 1..4] of 0..5: transition_relation =
            [| 1, 2, 1, 1 % im0 (start)
             | 2, 4, 2, 3 % im1_l0
             | 2, 4, 2, 1 % im1_l1
             | 4, 0, 4, 5 % im2_l0
             | 4, 0, 4, 1 % im2_l1
    } in
            [ if ((s == m1) \/ (s == m) \/ (s == t) \/ (s == n)) then 1 else
              if ((s == im) \/ (s == it) \/ (s == ino)) then 2 else
              if s ==  o then 3 else
                              4 endif
              | s in shift],                % sequence of input values
            5,                              % number of states
            4,                              % number of different input values of state machine
            transition_relation,            % transition relation
            1,                              % initial state
            1..5,                           % final states

constraint forall(i in Staff)
            (Max2OnCall([RosterCalculated[i,j] | j in 1..NumDaysInRoster]));

% Max of 5 mornings per cycle
predicate MaxMsPerCycle(array[int] of var TypeOfShift: shift) =
    let {
        array[1..13, 1..4] of 0..13: transition_relation =
              2,    7,  1,  1|
              3,    7,  8,  2|
              4,    7,  9,  3|
              5,    7,  10, 4|
              6,    7,  11, 5|
              0,    7,  12, 6|
              7,    7,  13, 7|
              3,    7,  1,  2|
              4,    7,  1,  3|
              5,    7,  1,  4|
              6,    7,  1,  5|
              0,    7,  1,  6|
              7,    7,  1,  7
    } in
            [ if ((s == m1) \/ (s == m) \/ (s == im)) then 1 else
              if ((s == t) \/ (s == it) \/ (s == n) \/ (s == ino)) then 2 else
              if ((s ==  l)) then 3 else
                              4 endif
              | s in shift],                % sequence of input values
            13,                              % number of states
            4,                              % number of different input values of state machine
            transition_relation,            % transition relation
            1,                              % initial state
            1..13,                           % final states

constraint forall(i in Staff)
            (MaxMsPerCycle([RosterCalculated[i,j] | j in 1..NumDaysInRoster]));

solve minimize NumberWorkersNeeded;
output[";;"]++["\(DaysInRoster[d]);" | d in 1..NumDaysInRoster];
output[if (d==1) then "\n"++"O3;\(i) " ++ ";" ++ show(RosterCalculated[i,d]) ++ ";" else show(RosterCalculated[i,d]) ++ ";" endif | i in Staff, d in 1..NumDaysInRoster];
output[if (d==1) then "\n"++"O3;\(i) " ++ ";" ++ show(RosterCalculatedRests[i,d]) ++ ";" else show(RosterCalculatedRests[i,d]) ++ ";" endif | i in Staff, d in 1..NumDaysInRoster-1];

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