def zigzag(arr):
mx, cur, lst, op = 0, 0, -1, 0
st, en = 0, 0
ans = 0
for i, x in enumerate(arr):
# if its the first element we take it greedily
if lst == -1:
lst = x
st = i
# else if lst is the first element taken then decide which direction we need next
elif op == 0:
if x > lst:
op = 1
elif x < lst:
op = -1
# if current element is equal to last taken element we stop and start counting from this element
# check if current range is better than previously taken one
if i-st > mx:
mx = i-st
ans = st
en = i
st = i
op = 0
lst = x
# if direction meets the inequality take the current element
if (op == 1 and x < lst) or (op == -1 and x > lst):
op *= -1
lst = x
# otherwise, check if the current range is better than the previously taken one
if i-st > mx:
mx = i-st
ans = st
en = i
st = i
lst = x
op = 0
# if starting index is greater than or equal to the last, then we have reached the end without checking for maximum range
if st >= en:
if len(arr)-st > en-ans:
ans = st
en = len(arr)
result = [arr[i] for i in range(ans, en)]
return result
print(zigzag([10, 22, 9, 33, 49, 50, 31, 60, 15]))
# [49, 50, 31, 60, 15]