我刚刚在 Google Play 控制台的内部测试轨道上发布了我的应用程序的测试版本。我是列表中唯一选择的测试人员。

我的应用程序向我的服务器发送了一些日志记录,我可以看到,在我将应用程序发布到内部测试轨道后的几分钟内,已经有大约 20 次不同的安装!



这是 Google 测试我的应用吗?我以为只有我添加为测试人员的人才能看到内部测试轨道,而不是随机的 Google 员工或 Go​​ogle 机器人?


1 回答 1


This is likely to be installs from the pre-launch report: https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/7002270?hl=en-GB

To turn off pre-launch report, you can follow the instructions at that link (copied here for convenience):

Turn off all pre-launch reports

Pre-launch reports are automatically generated when you publish an app to the open, closed or internal test track. To disable all pre-launch reports for your app:

  1. Sign in to your Play Console.
  2. Select an app.
  3. Select Release management > Pre-launch report > Settings.
  4. Next to 'Enable pre-launch reports', move the switch to the left until it turns grey. If you want to turn pre-launch reports on again at a later time, move the switch back to the right until it turns blue.
于 2019-11-08T17:03:49.403 回答