
我希望键和值是一个结构,包含一个字符串和一个 size_t,如下所示:

typedef struct hash_ptr {
    char* string;
    size_t len;


typedef struct hash_map_entry {
    struct hash_ptr *key;
    struct hash_ptr *value;
    UT_hash_handle hh;

为了向地图中添加新条目,我编写了一个名为 add_entry() 的新函数:

void add_entry(hash_map_entry *map, hash_ptr *key, hash_ptr *value) {
    hash_map_entry *entry;
    HASH_FIND(hh, map, key, sizeof *key, entry);
    if (entry == NULL) {
        entry = (hash_map_entry*) malloc(sizeof *entry);
        memset(entry, 0, sizeof *entry);
        entry->value = value;
        entry->key = key;
        HASH_ADD(hh, map, key, sizeof *key, entry);

但是,在初始化并调用 add_entry()...

hash_map_entry *map = NULL;

hash_ptr *key = (hash_ptr*) malloc(sizeof *key);
memset(key, 0, sizeof *key);
key->string = "Is this the Krusty Krab?";
key->len = strlen(key->string);

hash_ptr *value = (hash_ptr*) malloc(sizeof *value);
memset(value, 0, sizeof *value);
value->string = "No, this is Patrick!";
value->len = strlen(value->string);

add_entry(map, key, value);

...HASH_FIND 没有找到添加的条目:

hash_map_entry *find_me;
HASH_FIND(hh, map, key, sizeof *key, find_me);

find_me 为 NULL。




1 回答 1



  1. 更改add_entryfrom的第一个参数hash_map_entry *maptohash_map_entry **map并相应地调整代码。

  2. 用于HASH_ADD_KEYPTR散列内部字符串的内容,struct hash_ptr而不是散列struct hash_ptr本身。注意:代码假定len成员是成员指向的对象的长度string,以字节为单位。

  3. 与 2 相关,更改 的用法 对HASH_FIND里面的字符串内容进行散列struct hash_ptr


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "uthash.h"

typedef struct hash_ptr {
    char* string;
    size_t len;

typedef struct hash_map_entry {
    struct hash_ptr *key;
    struct hash_ptr *value;
    UT_hash_handle hh;

void add_entry(hash_map_entry **map, hash_ptr *key, hash_ptr *value) {
    hash_map_entry *entry;
    HASH_FIND(hh, *map, key->string, key->len, entry);
    if (entry == NULL) {
        entry = (hash_map_entry*) malloc(sizeof *entry);
        memset(entry, 0, sizeof *entry);
        entry->value = value;
        entry->key = key;
        HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh, *map, key->string, key->len, entry);

int main(void)
    hash_map_entry *map = NULL;

    hash_ptr *key = (hash_ptr*) malloc(sizeof *key);
    memset(key, 0, sizeof *key);
    key->string = "Is this the Krusty Krab?";
    key->len = strlen(key->string);

    hash_ptr *value = (hash_ptr*) malloc(sizeof *value);
    memset(value, 0, sizeof *value);
    value->string = "No, this is Patrick!";
    value->len = strlen(value->string);

    add_entry(&map, key, value);

    hash_map_entry *find_me;
    HASH_FIND(hh, map, key->string, key->len, find_me);
    if (find_me)
        printf("found key=\"%s\", val=\"%s\"\n", find_me->key->string, find_me->value->string);
        printf("not found\n");
    return 0;
于 2019-11-07T19:03:53.697 回答