嗨,我已经手动下载了 pcap4j 和 winpcap 以及所有 jar(jna、pcap4j-core-1.8.2、slf4j-api-1.7.25、slf4j-simple-1.7.25)依赖项。添加到项目中并编译良好。但是:当我开始嗅探 packet.getHeader() 并且 packet.getPayload() 返回 null 时!如果我手动运行 rpcapd.exe 那么它可以工作......为什么?
package sniffer;
import java.io.IOException;
import org.pcap4j.core.BpfProgram.BpfCompileMode;
import org.pcap4j.core.NotOpenException;
import org.pcap4j.core.PacketListener;
import org.pcap4j.core.PcapHandle;
import org.pcap4j.core.PcapNativeException;
import org.pcap4j.core.PcapNetworkInterface;
import org.pcap4j.core.PcapNetworkInterface.PromiscuousMode;
import org.pcap4j.packet.Packet;
import org.pcap4j.util.NifSelector;
public class App {
static PcapNetworkInterface getNetworkDevice() {
PcapNetworkInterface device = null;
try {
device = new NifSelector().selectNetworkInterface();
} catch (IOException e) {
return device;
public static void main(String[] args) throws PcapNativeException, NotOpenException {
// The code we had before
PcapNetworkInterface device = getNetworkDevice();
System.out.println("You chose: " + device);
// New code below here
if (device == null) {
System.out.println("No device chosen.");
// Open the device and get a handle
int snapshotLength = 65536; // in bytes
int readTimeout = 50; // in milliseconds
final PcapHandle handle;
handle = device.openLive(snapshotLength, PromiscuousMode.PROMISCUOUS, readTimeout);
String filter = "tcp port 80";
handle.setFilter(filter, BpfCompileMode.OPTIMIZE);
// Create a listener that defines what to do with the received packets
PacketListener listener = new PacketListener() {
public void gotPacket(Packet packet) {
// Override the default gotPacket() function and process packet
// Tell the handle to loop using the listener we created
try {
int maxPackets = 50;
handle.loop(maxPackets, listener);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Cleanup when complete