我是 SwiftUI 和 iOS 的新手,我正在尝试创建一个只接受数字的输入字段。

 TextField("Total number of people", text: $numOfPeople)



19 回答 19



  1. 用户可以将非数字文本粘贴到文本字段中
  2. iPad 用户仍将获得全键盘
  3. 任何连接了蓝牙键盘的人都可以输入任何内容


import SwiftUI
import Combine

struct StackOverflowTests: View {
    @State private var numOfPeople = "0"

    var body: some View {
        TextField("Total number of people", text: $numOfPeople)
            .onReceive(Just(numOfPeople)) { newValue in
                let filtered = newValue.filter { "0123456789".contains($0) }
                if filtered != newValue {
                    self.numOfPeople = filtered


请注意,Just发布者要求您import Combine.


为了解释Just发布者,请考虑以下关于更改 中的值时发生的情况的概念大纲TextField

  1. 因为TextField需要 aBinding到 a String,所以当字段的内容发生更改时,它也会将该更改写回@State变量。
  2. 当标记的变量@State发生变化时,SwiftUI 会重新计算body视图的属性。
  3. body计算过程中,Just会创建一个发布者。Combine 有很多不同的发布者随着时间的推移发出值,但是Just发布者“只”接受一个值( 的新值numberOfPeople)并在被询问时发出它。
  4. onReceive方法使View订阅者成为发布者,在本例中,是Just我们刚刚创建的发布者。订阅后,它会立即向发布者请求任何可用值,其中只有一个,即 的新值numberOfPeople
  5. onReceive订阅者收到一个值时,它会执行指定的闭包。我们的关闭可以以两种方式之一结束。如果文本已经只是数字,那么它什么也不做。如果过滤后的文本不同,则将其写入@State变量,该变量再次开始循环,但这一次闭包将在不修改任何属性的情况下执行。


于 2019-11-06T18:02:38.070 回答


查看John M解决方案以获得更好的方法。


TextField("Total number of people", text: $numOfPeople)

可以在此处找到 Apple 的文档,您可以在此处查看所有支持的键盘类型的列表


  1. iPad 没有 numberPad,因此此方法不适用于 iPad。
  2. 如果用户使用的是硬件键盘,那么此方法将不起作用。
  3. 它不检查用户输入的内容。用户可以将非数字值复制/粘贴到 TextField 中。


对于执行该检查的解决方案,请查看以下John M的解决方案。他很好地解释了如何清理数据及其工作原理。

于 2019-11-06T15:34:47.960 回答

在我看来,更容易的是使用自定义绑定并将任何字符串直接转换为数值。这样,您还可以将 State 变量作为数字而不是string,这是 IMO 的一大优势。


@State private var myValue: Int
// ...
TextField("number", text: Binding(
    get: { String(myValue) }, 
    set: { myValue = Int($0) ?? 0 }
于 2020-12-20T22:55:16.973 回答

ViewModifier@John M. 的答案版本

import Combine
import SwiftUI

public struct NumberOnlyViewModifier: ViewModifier {

    @Binding var text: String

    public init(text: Binding<String>) {
        self._text = text

    public func body(content: Content) -> some View {
            .onReceive(Just(text)) { newValue in
                let filtered = newValue.filter { "0123456789".contains($0) }
                if filtered != newValue {
                    self.text = filtered

于 2020-05-24T10:35:32.583 回答

受到约翰 M.回答的极大启发,我稍微修改了一下。

对我来说,在 Xcode 12 和 iOS 14 上,我注意到输入字母确实显示在 中TextField,尽管我不希望它们出现。我希望忽略字母,允许使用数字。


@State private var goalValue = ""

var body: some View {
    TextField("12345", text: self.$goalValue)
        .onReceive(Just(self.goalValue), perform: self.numericValidator)

func numericValidator(newValue: String) {
    if newValue.range(of: "^\\d+$", options: .regularExpression) != nil {
        self.goalValue = newValue
    } else if !self.goalValue.isEmpty {
        self.goalValue = String(newValue.prefix(self.goalValue.count - 1))

这里的关键是else if; 这将基础变量的值设置为除了最近的字符之外的所有内容。


于 2020-09-24T14:04:08.493 回答

可以将 NumberFormatter 交给 TextField 并让它为您处理转换:

struct MyView: View {
    @State private var value = 42 // Note, integer value
    var body: some View {
        // NumberFormatter will parse the text and cast to integer
        TextField("title", value: $value, formatter: NumberFormatter())

请注意,格式化程序将在用户完成编辑后应用。如果用户输入了 NumberFormatter 无法格式化的文本,则该值不会改变。因此,这可能会或可能不会涵盖您的问题“仅接受数字的文本字段”。

于 2021-01-15T15:29:14.090 回答

大多数答案都有一些明显的缺点。菲利普的回答是迄今为止最好的恕我直言。大多数其他答案在键入时不会过滤掉非数字字符。相反,您必须等到用户完成编辑后,然后他们更新文本以删除非数字字符。然后下一个常见问题是当输入语言不使用 ASCII 0-9 字符作为数字时,它们不处理数字。

我想出了一个类似于 Philip 的解决方案,但更适合生产。数字文本 SPM 包

首先,您需要一种从字符串中正确过滤非数字字符的方法,该方法适用于 unicode。

public extension String {
    func numericValue(allowDecimalSeparator: Bool) -> String {
        var hasFoundDecimal = false
        return self.filter {
            if $0.isWholeNumber {
                return true
            } else if allowDecimalSeparator && String($0) == (Locale.current.decimalSeparator ?? ".") {
                defer { hasFoundDecimal = true }
                return !hasFoundDecimal
            return false


public struct NumericTextField: View {

    @Binding private var number: NSNumber?
    @State private var string: String
    private let isDecimalAllowed: Bool
    private let formatter: NumberFormatter = NumberFormatter()

    private let title: LocalizedStringKey
    private let onEditingChanged: (Bool) -> Void
    private let onCommit: () -> Void

    public init(_ titleKey: LocalizedStringKey, number: Binding<NSNumber?>, isDecimalAllowed: Bool, onEditingChanged: @escaping (Bool) -> Void = { _ in }, onCommit: @escaping () -> Void = {}) {
        formatter.numberStyle = .decimal
        _number = number
        if let number = number.wrappedValue, let string = formatter.string(from: number) {
            _string = State(initialValue: string)
        } else {
            _string = State(initialValue: "")
        self.isDecimalAllowed = isDecimalAllowed
        title = titleKey
        self.onEditingChanged = onEditingChanged
        self.onCommit = onCommit

    public var body: some View {
        return TextField(title, text: $string, onEditingChanged: onEditingChanged, onCommit: onCommit)
            .onChange(of: string, perform: numberChanged(newValue:))
            .modifier(KeyboardModifier(isDecimalAllowed: isDecimalAllowed))

    private func numberChanged(newValue: String) {
        let numeric = newValue.numericValue(allowDecimalSeparator: isDecimalAllowed)
        if newValue != numeric {
            string = numeric
        number = formatter.number(from: string)


private struct KeyboardModifier: ViewModifier {
    let isDecimalAllowed: Bool

    func body(content: Content) -> some View {
        #if os(iOS)
            return content
                .keyboardType(isDecimalAllowed ? .decimalPad : .numberPad)
            return content
于 2020-07-12T23:13:31.133 回答

另一种方法可能是创建一个包装 TextField 视图的视图,并保存两个值:一个私有 var 保存输入的字符串,一个可绑定值保存 Double 等价物。每次用户键入一个字符时,它都会尝试更新 Double。


struct NumberEntryField : View {
    @State private var enteredValue : String = ""
    @Binding var value : Double

    var body: some View {        
        return TextField("", text: $enteredValue)
            .onReceive(Just(enteredValue)) { typedValue in
                if let newValue = Double(typedValue) {
                    self.value = newValue
        }.onAppear(perform:{self.enteredValue = "\(self.value)"})


struct MyView : View {
    @State var doubleValue : Double = 1.56

    var body: some View {        
        return HStack {
             Text("Numeric field:")
             NumberEntryField(value: self.$doubleValue)   

这是一个简单的示例 - 您可能想要添加功能以显示输入不良的警告,也许还有边界检查等......

于 2020-04-15T18:42:15.973 回答


struct AView: View {
    @State var numberValue:Float
    var body: some View {
        let formatter = NumberFormatter()
        formatter.numberStyle = .decimal
        return TextField("number", value: $numberValue, formatter: NumberFormatter())




于 2021-07-15T14:05:18.813 回答

您不需要使用Combineand onReceive,您也可以使用以下代码:

class Model: ObservableObject {
    @Published var text : String = ""

struct ContentView: View {

    @EnvironmentObject var model: Model

    var body: some View {
        TextField("enter a number ...", text: Binding(get: { self.model.text },
                                                      set: { self.model.text = $0.filter { "0123456789".contains($0) } }))

struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {


于 2020-04-14T12:51:49.023 回答



  1. 多个文本字段中的纯数字用户输入,包括负数。
  2. 将该输入绑定到来自 ObservableObject 类的 Double 类型的 var,以用于多个计算。

John M 的解决方案很棒,但它绑定到一个字符串 @State 私有变量。

jamone 的回答,他的 NumericText 解决方案在很多方面都很棒,我在我的项目的 iOS14 版本中实现了它。不幸的是,它不允许输入负数。

我想出的解决方案主要基于 John M 的回答,但结合了我从 jamone 的 NumericText 代码中学到的 onEditingChanged 的​​使用。这允许我根据 John M 的解决方案清理用户输入文本,然后(使用 onEditingChanged 调用的闭包)将该字符串绑定到 Observable Object Double。


import Foundation
import Combine

class YourData: ObservableObject {
    @Published var number = 0

func convertString(string: String) -> Double {
    guard let doubleString = Double(string) else { return 0 }
    return doubleString

struct ContentView: View {

    @State private var input = ""
    @EnvironmentObject var data: YourData

    var body: some View { 
        TextField("Enter string", text: $input, onEditingChanged: { 
            _ in self.data.number = convertString(string: self.input) })

            .onReceive(Just(input)) { cleanNum in
                let filtered = cleanNum.filter {"0123456789.-".contains($0)}
                if filtered != cleanNum {
                    self.input = filtered
于 2020-07-27T17:58:42.153 回答

我提出了一个基于@John M. 和@hstdt 的版本来处理:

  • 从绑定值开始

  • 负数

  • 小数点分隔符(如果超过一个,则截断字符串)

    struct NumberField : View {
      @Binding var value : Double
      @State private var enteredValue = "#START#"
      var body: some View {
          return TextField("", text: $enteredValue)
              .onReceive(Just(enteredValue)) { typedValue in
                  var typedValue_ = typedValue == "#START#" ? String(self.value) : typedValue
                  if typedValue != "" {
                      let negative = typedValue_.hasPrefix("-") ? "-" : ""
                      typedValue_ = typedValue_.filter { "0123456789.".contains($0) }
                      let parts = typedValue_.split(separator: ".")
                      let formatedValue = parts.count == 1 ? negative + String(parts[0]) : negative + String(parts[0]) + "." + String(parts[1])
                      self.enteredValue = formatedValue
                  let newValue = Double(self.enteredValue) ?? 0.0
                  self.value = newValue
              self.enteredValue = "\(self.value)"
于 2020-08-15T22:18:27.777 回答

@cliss答案的 ViewModifier考虑了设备上设置的语言的小数点分隔符。随意扩展此解决方案:

// TextField+Validator.swift

import SwiftUI
import Combine

struct TextFieldValidator: ViewModifier {
    enum ValidatorType: String {
        case decimal = "^[-]?[\\d]*(?:\\###decimalSeparator###?[\\d]*)?$"
        case number = "^\\d+$"

    @Binding var goalValue: String
    var validatorType: ValidatorType
    private func validator(newValue: String) {
        let regex: String = validatorType.rawValue.replacingOccurrences(of: "###decimalSeparator###", with: Locale.current.decimalSeparator!)

        if newValue.range(of: regex, options: .regularExpression) != nil {
            self.goalValue = newValue
        } else if !self.goalValue.isEmpty {
            self.goalValue = String(newValue.prefix(self.goalValue.count - 1))
    func body(content: Content) -> some View {
            .onReceive(Just(goalValue), perform: validator)

extension TextField {
    func validator(goalValue: Binding<String>, type: TextFieldValidator.ValidatorType) -> some View {
        modifier(TextFieldValidator(goalValue: goalValue, validatorType: type))


@State private var goalValue = "0"

TextField("1", text: $goalValue)
  .validator(goalValue: $goalValue, type: .number)


@State private var goalValue = "0,0"

TextField("1.0", text: $goalValue)
  .validator(goalValue: $goalValue, type: .decimal)
于 2021-12-05T20:47:04.910 回答

Jamone 将 Philip Pegden 的方法用于更强大的 NumericTextField 为我们提供了很好的服务。但是,如果在可滚动列表中使用 NumericTextField 并且部分滚动到视图之外,我发现该方法会出现一个问题。字符串的内部状态可能会丢失,从而导致滚动时出现意外行为。我还希望能够输入负数和指数部分(如 -1.6E-19 之类的数字)。我创建了一个新的 NumericTextField,它允许小数点、指数和仅包含字符串的减号选项。我还制作了一个从 onEditingChanged 错误条件触发的重新格式化函数。我的版本运行良好,但仍然可以使用更多的测试和改进。由于部分输入的数字会立即创建更新,因此部分输入通常不是 t 个数字并从数字转换器返回 nil。在转换失败时删除字符串的最后一个字符并重试似乎很简单,直到返回一个数字或没有剩余字符,在这种情况下返回 nil。一般来说,这将是最后输入的好数字。


    import Foundation

    public extension String {
        /// Get the numeric only value from the string
        /// - Parameter allowDecimalSeparator: If `true` then a single decimal separator will be allowed in the string's mantissa.
        /// - Parameter allowMinusSign: If `true` then a single minus sign will be allowed at the beginning of the string.
        /// - Parameter allowExponent: If `true` then a single e or E  separator will be allowed in the string to start the exponent which can be a positive or negative integer
        /// - Returns: Only numeric characters and optionally a single decimal character and optional an E followed by numeric characters.
        ///            If non-numeric values were interspersed `1a2b` then the result will be `12`.
        ///            The numeric characters returned may not be valid numbers so conversions will generally be optional strings.

func numericValue(allowDecimalSeparator: Bool = true, allowNegatives: Bool = true, allowExponent: Bool = true) -> String {
    // Change parameters to single enum ?
    var hasFoundDecimal = false
    var allowMinusSign = allowNegatives // - can only be first char or first char after E (or e)
    var hasFoundExponent = !allowExponent
    var allowFindingExponent = false // initially false to avoid E as first character and then to prevent finding 2nd E
    return self.filter {
        if allowMinusSign && "-".contains($0){
            return true
        } else {
            allowMinusSign = false
            if $0.isWholeNumber {
                allowFindingExponent = true
              return true
           } else if allowDecimalSeparator && String($0) == (Locale.current.decimalSeparator ?? ".") {
              defer { hasFoundDecimal = true }
              return !hasFoundDecimal
           } else if allowExponent && !hasFoundExponent && allowFindingExponent && "eE".contains($0) {
              allowMinusSign = true
              hasFoundDecimal = true
              allowFindingExponent = false
              hasFoundExponent = true
              return true
        return false

此扩展允许带有减号和一个 E 或 e 的字符串,但只能在正确的位置。

然后 NumericTextModifier a la Jamone 是

    import SwiftUI
    /// A modifier that observes any changes to a string, and updates that string to remove any non-numeric characters.
    /// It also will convert that string to a `NSNumber` for easy use.
    public struct NumericTextModifier: ViewModifier {
        /// Should the user be allowed to enter a decimal number, or an integer
        public let isDecimalAllowed: Bool
        public let isExponentAllowed: Bool
        public let isMinusAllowed: Bool
        /// The string that the text field is bound to
        /// A number that will be updated when the `text` is updated.
        @Binding public var number: String
        /// - Parameters:
        ///   - number:: The string 'number" that this should observe and filter
        ///   - isDecimalAllowed: Should the user be allowed to enter a decimal number, or an integer
        ///   - isExponentAllowed: Should the E (or e) be allowed in number for exponent entry
        ///   - isMinusAllowed: Should negatives be allowed with minus sign (-) at start of number
        public init( number: Binding<String>, isDecimalAllowed: Bool, isExponentAllowed: Bool, isMinusAllowed: Bool) {
            _number = number
            self.isDecimalAllowed = isDecimalAllowed
            self.isExponentAllowed = isExponentAllowed
            self.isMinusAllowed = isMinusAllowed
        public func body(content: Content) -> some View {
                .onChange(of: number) { newValue in
                    let numeric = newValue.numericValue(allowDecimalSeparator: isDecimalAllowed, allowNegatives: isMinusAllowed, allowExponent: isExponentAllowed).uppercased()
                    if newValue != numeric {
                        number = numeric

    public extension View {
        /// A modifier that observes any changes to a string, and updates that string to remove any non-numeric characters.
        func numericText(number: Binding<String>, isDecimalAllowed: Bool, isMinusAllowed: Bool, isExponentAllowed: Bool) -> some View {
            modifier(NumericTextModifier( number: number, isDecimalAllowed: isDecimalAllowed, isExponentAllowed: isExponentAllowed, isMinusAllowed: isMinusAllowed))

NumericTextField 然后变为:

    // NumericTextField.swift
    import SwiftUI

    /// A `TextField` replacement that limits user input to numbers.
    public struct NumericTextField: View {

        /// This is what consumers of the text field will access
        @Binding private var numericText: String
        private let isDecimalAllowed: Bool
        private let isExponentAllowed: Bool
        private let isMinusAllowed: Bool
        private let title: LocalizedStringKey
        //private let formatter: NumberFormatter
        private let onEditingChanged: (Bool) -> Void
        private let onCommit: () -> Void

        /// Creates a text field with a text label generated from a localized title string.
        /// - Parameters:
        ///   - titleKey: The key for the localized title of the text field,
        ///     describing its purpose.
        ///   - numericText: The number to be displayed and edited.
        ///   - isDecimalAllowed: Should the user be allowed to enter a decimal number, or an integer
        ///   - isExponentAllowed:Should the user be allowed to enter a e or E exponent character
        ///   - isMinusAllowed:Should user be allow to enter negative numbers
        ///   - formatter: NumberFormatter to use on getting focus or losing focus used by on EditingChanged
        ///   - onEditingChanged: An action thats called when the user begins editing `text` and after the user finishes editing `text`.
        ///     The closure receives a Boolean indicating whether the text field is currently being edited.
        ///   - onCommit: An action to perform when the user performs an action (for example, when the user hits the return key) while the text field has focus.
        public init(_ titleKey: LocalizedStringKey, numericText: Binding<String>, isDecimalAllowed: Bool = true,
            isExponentAllowed: Bool = true,
            isMinusAllowed: Bool = true,
            onEditingChanged: @escaping (Bool) -> Void = { _ in  },
            onCommit: @escaping () -> Void = {}) {
                _numericText = numericText
                self.isDecimalAllowed = isDecimalAllowed || isExponentAllowed
                self.isExponentAllowed = isExponentAllowed
                self.isMinusAllowed = isMinusAllowed
                title = titleKey
                self.onEditingChanged = onEditingChanged
                self.onCommit = onCommit
        public var body: some View {
            TextField(title, text: $numericText,
                onEditingChanged: { exited in
                    if !exited {
                        numericText = reformat(numericText)
                onCommit: {
                    numericText = reformat(numericText)
                    onCommit() })
                .onAppear { numericText = reformat(numericText) }
                .numericText( number: $numericText, isDecimalAllowed: isDecimalAllowed, isMinusAllowed: isMinusAllowed, isExponentAllowed: isExponentAllowed )
                //.modifier(KeyboardModifier(isDecimalAllowed: isDecimalAllowed))

    func reformat(_ stringValue: String) -> String {
        if let value = NumberFormatter().number(from: stringValue) {
            let compare = value.compare(NSNumber(0.0))
                if compare == .orderedSame {
                    return "0"
                if (compare == .orderedAscending) { // value negative
                    let compare = value.compare(NSNumber(-1e-3))
                    if compare != .orderedDescending {
                        let compare = value.compare(NSNumber(-1e5))
                        if compare == .orderedDescending {
                            return value.stringValue
                else {
                    let compare = value.compare(NSNumber(1e5))
                    if compare == .orderedAscending {
                        let compare = value.compare(NSNumber(1e-3))
                        if compare != .orderedAscending {
                            return value.stringValue
                return value.scientificStyle
        return stringValue

    private struct KeyboardModifier: ViewModifier {
        let isDecimalAllowed: Bool

        func body(content: Content) -> some View {
            #if os(iOS)
            return content
                .keyboardType(isDecimalAllowed ? .decimalPad : .numberPad)
            return content

我直接使用了 func reformat(String) -> String 而不是格式化程序。Reformat 使用了几个格式化程序,至少对我来说更灵活。

    import Foundation

    var decimalNumberFormatter: NumberFormatter = {
        let formatter = NumberFormatter()
        formatter.numberStyle = .decimal
        formatter.allowsFloats = true
        return formatter

    var scientificFormatter: NumberFormatter = {
        let formatter = NumberFormatter()
        formatter.numberStyle = .scientific
        formatter.allowsFloats = true
        return formatter

    extension NSNumber {
        var scientificStyle: String {
            return scientificFormatter.string(from: self) ?? description



于 2021-02-22T22:01:18.610 回答

扩展John M.示例以仅接受一个句点.或一个逗号,作为国际小数。

谢谢约翰 M。

struct TextFieldCharacterRestrictions: View {
    @State private var numOfPeople = ""
    var body: some View {
        TextField("Total number of people", text: $numOfPeople)
            .onChange(of: numOfPeople){newValue in
                let periodCount = newValue.components(separatedBy: ".").count - 1
                let commaCount = newValue.components(separatedBy: ",").count - 1
                if newValue.last == "." && periodCount > 1 || newValue.last == "," && commaCount > 1{
                    //it's a second period or comma, remove it
                    numOfPeople = String(newValue.dropLast())
                    // as bonus for the user, add haptic effect
                    let generator = UINotificationFeedbackGenerator()
                    let filtered = newValue.filter { "0123456789.,".contains($0) }
                    if filtered != newValue{
                        self.numOfPeople = filtered
于 2022-02-23T15:13:43.840 回答

更改文本:-> 值:并添加格式修饰符。


    TextField("Total Number of people:", value: $numOfPeople, format:.number)

这应该可以解决 99% 的问题。您可以在其中键入字符串,但它们会被过滤掉并且不会使您的应用程序崩溃。

于 2022-01-06T02:50:09.817 回答

这里作为基于 John M解决方案的变体,它避免了组合,支持任何值类型,并允许验证输出值,因此它只使用可解析和验证的输入字符串。

示例用法,保持边界值 > 0:

@State var count: Int
GenericEntryField(value: $count, validate: { $0 > 0 })
struct GenericEntryField<T: Equatable>: View {
    @Binding var value: T
    let stringToValue: (String) -> T?
    let validate: (T) -> Bool
    @State private var enteredText: String = ""
    var body: some View {
        return TextField(
            text: $enteredText,
            onEditingChanged: { focussed in
                if !focussed {
                    // when the textField is defocussed, reset the text back to the bound value
                    enteredText = "\(self.value)"
            .onChange(of: enteredText) { newText in
                // whenever the text-field changes, try to convert it to a value, and validate it.
                // if so, use it (this will update the enteredText)
                if let newValue = stringToValue(newText),
                    validate(newValue) {
                    self.value = newValue
            .onChange(of: value) { newValue in
                 // whenever value changes externally, update the string
                enteredText = "\(newValue)"
            .onAppear(perform: {
                // update the string based on value at start
                enteredText = "\(value)"
extension GenericEntryField {
    init(value: Binding<Int>, validate: @escaping (Int) -> Bool = { _ in true }) where T == Int {
        self.init(value: value, stringToValue: { Int($0) }, validate: validate)
    init(value: Binding<Double>, validate: @escaping (Double) -> Bool = { _ in true }) where T == Double {
        self.init(value: value, stringToValue: { Double($0) }, validate: validate)
于 2022-02-18T20:05:09.733 回答

PositiveNumbersTextField 受到此处所写内容的极大启发(谢谢!)我想出了一个稍微不同的解决方案,以满足我的需求,并使用 .onChange 修饰符回答了上面的原始问题。文本字段将只输入允许 1 个小数点、0 或空的正数。消毒剂将删除多余的小数点、开始时的多个零、开始时的小数以及任何不是数字的字符(除了 1 个小数)。这不支持负数 (-)。

struct PositiveNumbersTextField: View {

@Binding var textFieldText: String

var body: some View {
    TextField("", text: $textFieldText)
        .onChange(of: textFieldText) { text in
            textFieldText = text.sanitizeToValidPositiveNumberOrEmpty()

private extension String {

func sanitizeToValidPositiveNumberOrEmpty() -> String {
    var sanitized: String
    // Remove multiple decimal points except the first one if exists.
    let groups = self.components(separatedBy: ".")
    if groups.count > 1 {
        sanitized = groups[0] + "." + groups.dropFirst().joined()
    } else {
        sanitized = self
    // Remove characters that are not numbers or decimal point
    sanitized = sanitized.filter { $0.isNumber || $0 == "." }
    // Don't allow decimal point at start
    if sanitized.first == "." {
    // Remove any number after 0 (if first number is zero)
    if sanitized.first == "0" {
        var stringIndicesToRemove = [String.Index]()
        for index in 1..<sanitized.count {
            let stringIndex = sanitized.index(sanitized.startIndex, offsetBy: index)
            if sanitized[stringIndex] == "." {
                break // no need to iterate through anymore
        for stringIndexToRemove in stringIndicesToRemove.reversed() {
            sanitized.remove(at: stringIndexToRemove)
    return sanitized
于 2021-11-03T07:55:37.400 回答

仅接受数字的 TextField:

textField("", text: Binding(
    get: {inputNum},
    set: {inputNum = $0.filter{"0123456789".contains($0)}}))

将数字输入转换为 Int:

let n: Int = NumberFormatter().number(from: "0" + inputNum) as! Int
于 2022-02-19T11:36:56.760 回答