如何在 Ubuntu 上安装 Blockstack 浏览器?
我从https://blockstack.org/install下载了 shell 脚本,然后运行./Blockstack-for-Linux-v0.36.3.sh
blockstack docker launcher commands:
install-protocol-handler -> install a protocol handler for blockstack:// links
remove-protocol-handler -> uninstall the protocol handler for blockstack:// links
pull -> fetch docker containers from quay
start -> start the blockstack browser server
stop -> stop the blockstack browser server
To get started, use
$ ./Blockstack-for-Linux.sh pull
$ ./Blockstack-for-Linux.sh install-protocol-handler
$ ./Blockstack-for-Linux.sh start
This *requires* Docker to run.
To remove the protocol handler (the only thing 'installed' when you run this launcher):
$ ./Blockstack-for-Linux.sh remove-protocol-handler
And this will start the environment for running the Blockstack Browser
Note: the Docker containers mount your /home/<user>/.blockstack directory
是的,Docker 安装在我的机器上。