
https://app.terraform.io上,我在使用 AWS SSO 凭证的工作区上,这意味着我的变量中有AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID+ AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY+ AWS_SESSION_TOKEN。我的会话可能会过期。

我的问题是我的 AWS 会话确实已过期,但状态仍处于“计划”状态。


现在已经5天了,我想释放我的资源。 我可以手动完成,但我想保持我的状态同步。

请注意,CLI 上也存在此错误,terraform 只是不处理会话过期。但至少,我可以打断它。


我在https://support.hashicorp.com/上创建了票证 #20704 。


1 回答 1


terraform 团队修复了它!


这仍然不是它应该做的,但对我来说已经足够了 => 行为与 CLI 相同。

Terraform v0.12.12
Configuring remote state backend...
Initializing Terraform configuration...
2019/11/13 23:04:09 [DEBUG] Using modified User-Agent: Terraform/0.12.12 TFC/6831c613a9
Refreshing Terraform state in-memory prior to plan...
The refreshed state will be used to calculate this plan, but will not be
persisted to local or remote state storage.

------------ Terraform Enterprise System Message ------------

WARNING: This plan has timed out and will now terminate!

Terraform Enterprise enforces a 30m0s maximum run time for this operation. Please
review the logs above to determine why the run has exceeded its timeout. You
can re-run this operation by queueing a new plan in Terraform Enterprise.


Error: wait: remote command exited without exit status or exit signal
于 2019-11-14T00:20:14.963 回答