When I flush a local SharedObject that is over 100KB, this popup window appears asking the user to allow or deny storing information onto their computer if they haven't already allowed it. How can I detect when the popup appears and when it goes away and which button the user clicked on? I saw some other Flash game that had it's own internal information box appear whenever that popup came up, and disappear when it disappeared. How can I do something similar?

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事实证明,有问题的弹出窗口与安全面板并不完全相同。当您调用 sharedObject.flush() 时,如果成功则返回 SharedObjectFlushStatus.FLUSHED,如果不成功则返回 SharedObjectFlushStatus.PENDING 并出现弹出窗口。您可以执行 sharedObject.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS,allowOrDeny) 来查看用户点击的内容。弹出窗口消失,netStatusEvent.info.code 将是“SharedObject.Flush.Success”或“SharedObject.Flush.Failed”。这一切都很好地记录在这里

于 2019-11-14T16:05:03.327 回答