select t.id, tmin.price, tmax.price
from (select t.id, min(time) as min_time, max(time) as max_time
from t
) t join
t tmin
on t.id = tmin.id and t.min_time = tmin.time join
t tmax
on t.id = tmax.id and t.max_time = tmax.time;
您还可以使用聚合。Postgres 没有first()
select t.id,
array_agg(price order by time asc)[1] as min_time_price,
array_agg(price order by time desc)[1] as max_time_price
from t
group by id;
and last_value()
select distinct t.id,
first_value(price) over (partition by time order by time) as min_time_price,
first_value(price) over (partition by time order by time desc) as max_time_price
from t