我有一个带有一些大写字母的 URL,例如http://myserver.com/apps/DroidApp.apk

当我将此 url 传递给 Android Linkify时,生成的链接的字母大小写更改为http://myserver.com/apps/droidapp.apk

TextView upgradeLink = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.upgradeNow);
upgradeLink.setText("Download now.");
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("Download");
String scheme = "http://myserver.com/apps/DroidApp.apk+"?action=";
Log.e(MY_DEBUG_TAG,"Schema URL "+scheme); // printed http://myserver.com/apps/DroidApp.apk?action=
Linkify.addLinks(upgradeLink, pattern, scheme);



2 回答 2



public static final boolean addLinks(Spannable s, Pattern p, String scheme, null, null)


public static final boolean addLinks(Spannable s, Pattern p,
        String scheme, MatchFilter matchFilter,
        TransformFilter transformFilter) {
    boolean hasMatches = false;
    String prefix = (scheme == null) ? "" : scheme.toLowerCase(); // <-- here is the problem!
    Matcher m = p.matcher(s);

    while (m.find()) {
        int start = m.start();
        int end = m.end();
        boolean allowed = true;

        if (matchFilter != null) {
            allowed = matchFilter.acceptMatch(s, start, end);

        if (allowed) {
            String url = makeUrl(m.group(0), new String[] { prefix },
                                 m, transformFilter);

            applyLink(url, start, end, s);
            hasMatches = true;

    return hasMatches;


于 2011-05-02T15:36:55.460 回答

您可以添加帮助函数来更改由 Linkify 修改的 url

   * hyperlinks @toThis to @linkThis in the given @textView
fun addLinks(textView: TextView, linkThis: String, toThis: String) {
   val pattern = Pattern.compile(linkThis, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)
   android.text.util.Linkify.addLinks(textView, pattern, toThis, { s, start, end -> true }, { match, url -> "" })
  //Maintain url case
  val spanText = textView.text
  if(spanText !is Spannable) return // no need to process since there are no URLSpans
      val matcher = pattern.matcher(linkThis)
      while (matcher.find()) {
      val span = spanText.getSpans(matcher.start(), matcher.end(), URLSpan::class.java).first()
      val spanFlags = spanText.getSpanFlags(span)
      spanText.removeSpan(span) //remove modified url added by linkify
      spanText.setSpan(URLSpan(toThis), matcher.start(), matcher.end(), spanFlags) //add the original url
      textView.text = spanText
于 2021-12-28T08:34:06.640 回答