我正在编写一个简单的程序,将员工信息存储到 .txt 文件中。它应该无限地继续写入配置文件,直到选择“n”来关闭文件。问题是每次我输入一个新的Emp。以前的被覆盖了,有人可以帮我看看我的疏忽吗?先感谢您。
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib> // needed for exit()
#include <string>
#include <iomanip> // needed for formatting
using namespace std;
string Names;
string Social;
double HourlyRate;
double HoursWorked;
} employee_info;
int main()
char contn = 'y';
char exitf = 'n';
string filename = "employee_info.txt"; // initialize the filename up front
ofstream outFile;
fstream file1;
if (outFile.fail())
cout << "The file was not successfully opened" << endl;
string employee;
while (contn == 'y')
cout << "Please enter Employee Name \n";
getline (cin,employee_info.Names);
cout << "Please enter Employee Social Security Number \n";
getline (cin,employee_info.Social);
cout << "Please enter Employee's Hourly Rate \n";
cin >> employee_info.HourlyRate;
cout << "Please enter Hours Worked \n";
cin >> employee_info.HoursWorked;
cout << " Enter y if you would like to enter another employee. \nEnter n to write to file. : \n ";
cin >> contn;
// set the output file stream formats
outFile << setiosflags(ios::fixed)
<< setiosflags(ios::showpoint)
<< setprecision(2);
// send data to the file
outFile << employee_info.Names <<endl<< employee_info.Social <<endl<< employee_info.HourlyRate <<endl<< employee_info.HoursWorked << endl;
while (exitf == 'n')
cout << "The file " << filename
<< " has been successfully written." << endl;
return 0;