I am trying to implement something that will replace ${pattern}
in xml files in my build.gradle file:
processResources {
eachFile { FileCopyDetails fileCopyDetails ->
if (fileCopyDetails.name.contains("blueprint.xml")) {
project.logger.quiet "Processing: " + fileCopyDetails.path
logger.quiet "" + project.ext.properties.entrySet()
filter(org.apache.tools.ant.filters.ReplaceTokens, tokens: [prop1, value, prop2, value])
appears to take a Map. Again, how does this relate to the function signature?
Convert all properties with String values into a Map for input into tokens:
def tokenMap = new LinkedHashMap()
def stringProps = project.ext.properties.entrySet().findAll { entry -> entry.getValue() instanceof String }
stringProps.each { entry -> tokenMap.put(entry.key, entry.value)}
A look at the Gradle Javadoc reveals a filter function whose signature does not seem to match the examples. Particularly, the Map<String,?>
and Class<? extends FilterReader>
do not match the order in the examples as far as I understand them. Could somebody map the example to the function signature so that I understand what is going on?
CopySpec filter(Map<String,?> properties, Class<? extends FilterReader> filterType)
Adds a content filter to be used during the copy. Multiple calls to filter, add additional filters to the filter chain. Each filter should implement java.io.FilterReader. Include org.apache.tools.ant.filters.* for access to all the standard Ant filters.
Filter properties may be specified using groovy map syntax.
filter(HeadFilter, lines:25, skip:2) filter(ReplaceTokens, tokens:[copyright:'2009', version:'2.3.1'])
Specified by:
in interfaceContentFilterable
- map of filter propertiesfilterType
- Class of filter to addReturns: this
How is a token replaced in a file for a Gradle build product?
What does not work is the SimpleTemplateEngine
processResources {
filesMatching("**/features.xml") {
// expand uses Groovy's SimpleTemplateEngine
project.logger.quiet "Processing: " + file
expand project.getProperties()