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这是玩这些谜题的互动方式: https :// 20%C2%AC%28p%20%E2%86%94%20%C2%ACp%29%20%3A%3D%0Abegin%0A%20%20assume%20H%2C%0A%20%20have%20hp% 20%3A%20p%20%3A%3D%20H.mpr%20%28%CE%BB%20hp%2C%20_%29%2C%0A%20%20all_goals%0A%20%20%7B%20have% 20hp_copy%20%3A%3D%20hp%2C%0A%20%20%20%20rw%20H%20at%20hp_copy%2C%0A%20%20%20%20矛盾%20%7D%2C%0Aend
example (p : Prop) : ¬(p ↔ ¬p) := begin assume H, have hp : p := H.mpr (λ hp, _), all_goals { have hp_copy := hp, rw H at hp_copy, contradiction }, end