我正在实现 AVL 树,并且我的搜索和插入功能正常工作,但是我的删除功能出现分段错误。我之前已经正确实现了 BST 树,所以我知道问题在于树的重新平衡,而不是节点的初始删除。



class AVL

    Node* insert(int num);
    Node* search(int num);
    Node* remove(int num);
    void print();
    void comparisonPrint();

    int comparisonCount;
    Node* root;
    int max(int a, int b);
    int getHeight(Node* t);
    int getBalance(Node* t);
    Node* insert(Node* &t, int num);
    Node* rotateWithLeftChild(Node* t);
    Node* rotateWithRightChild(Node* t);
    Node* doubleRotateWithLeftChild(Node* t);
    Node* doubleRotateWithRightChild(Node* t);

    Node* search(Node* t, int num);
    Node* removeMin(Node* parent, Node* node);
    Node* remove(Node* &t, int num);
    void print(Node* t);

int AVL::max(int a, int b)
    return (a > b)? a : b;
int AVL::getHeight(Node* t)
    return (t == NULL) ? 0 : t->height;
int AVL::getBalance(Node* t)
    if(t == NULL)
        return 0;
    return getHeight(t->leftChild) - getHeight(t->rightChild);

//helper function for remove - finds min
Node* AVL::removeMin(Node* parent, Node* node) //removes node, but does not delete - returns ptr instead
    if(node != NULL)
        if(node->leftChild != NULL) //go to leftmost child in right subtree
            return removeMin(node, node->leftChild);
        else //min val
            parent->leftChild = node->rightChild;
            return node;
    else //subtree empty - incorrect use of function
        return NULL;

Node* AVL::remove(Node* &t, int num)
    cout << num;
    if(t != NULL)

        if(num > t->key)
            remove(t->rightChild, num);
        else if(num < t->key)
            remove(t->leftChild, num);
        else if(t->leftChild != NULL && t->rightChild != NULL)
            //2 children
            Node* minRightSubtree = removeMin(t, t->rightChild);
            t->key = minRightSubtree->key;
            delete minRightSubtree;
            //0 or 1 child
            Node* temp = t;
            if(t->leftChild != NULL)
                t = t->leftChild;
            else if(t->rightChild != NULL)
                t = t->rightChild;
            delete temp;

        //update height
        t->height = max(getHeight(t->leftChild), getHeight(t->rightChild)) + 1;

        int balance = getBalance(t);

        if(balance > 1 && getBalance(t->leftChild) >= 0)
            return rotateWithRightChild(t);
        if(balance > 1 && getBalance(t->leftChild) < 0)
            t->leftChild = rotateWithLeftChild(t->leftChild);
            return rotateWithRightChild(t);
        if(balance < -1 && getBalance(t->rightChild) <= 0)
            return rotateWithLeftChild(t);
        if(balance < -1 && getBalance(t->rightChild) > 0)
            t->rightChild = rotateWithRightChild(t->rightChild);
            return rotateWithLeftChild(t); 


    return t;

所以我需要删除函数来删除指定的节点,并在必要时使用适当的旋转重新平衡树。但是,每当我尝试在我的 main.js 中调用该函数时,我都会遇到分段错误。谢谢。


1 回答 1


您的代码有两个问题。首先是要删除的节点有两个孩子时的removeMin函数和函数中的else if部分。remove

该功能的基本目的removeMin应该是找到要删除的节点的顺序后继者,这就是t您的情况。考虑t有 2 个子节点(两个叶节点)的情况,那么您的removeMin函数将设置t->leftChildt->rightChild->rightChild哪个NULL是错误的。树的重组也应该在内部完成,remove因此removeMin变为:

Node* AVL::removeMin(Node* node) // returns inorder successor of 't'
    if(node->left == NULL)
        return node;
    return removeMin(node->left);

开始remove工作,我们重置t->key并且minRightSubtree->key现在要删除的节点是minRightSubtree。但请注意,从 nodet到 node的链中键的顺序发生了变化minRightSubtreet->key小于之前节点的所有键minRightSubtree。因此,您不能只是delete minRightSubtree,您必须调用remove节点上的函数,该函数minRightSubtree将负责重组此链。您还可以从递归堆栈中获得一些帮助,以便t在删除/旋转后为当前节点获取正确的子节点:

Node* AVL::remove(Node* &t, int num)
    if (t == NULL)
        return NULL;

    if (num > t->key)
        t->rightChild = remove(t->rightChild, num);
    else if (num < t->key)
        t->leftChild = remove(t->leftChild, num);
    else if (t->leftChild != NULL && t->rightChild != NULL)
        //2 children
        Node* minRightSubtree = removeMin(t->rightChild);
        t->key = minRightSubtree->key;
        t->rightChild = remove(t->rightChild, minRightSubtree->key);
        //0 or 1 child
        Node* temp = t;
        if (t->leftChild != NULL)
            t = t->leftChild;
        else if (t->rightChild != NULL)
            t = t->rightChild;

        if(temp == t)
            t = NULL;
        delete temp;

    if (t == NULL)          // this case was added since there is a possibility of deleting 't'
        return NULL;

    //update height
    t->height = max(getHeight(t->leftChild), getHeight(t->rightChild)) + 1;

    int balance = getBalance(t);

    if (balance > 1 && getBalance(t->leftChild) >= 0)
        return rotateWithRightChild(t);
    if (balance > 1 && getBalance(t->leftChild) < 0)
        t->leftChild = rotateWithLeftChild(t->leftChild);
        return rotateWithRightChild(t);
    if (balance < -1 && getBalance(t->rightChild) <= 0)
        return rotateWithLeftChild(t);
    if (balance < -1 && getBalance(t->rightChild) > 0)
        t->rightChild = rotateWithRightChild(t->rightChild);
        return rotateWithLeftChild(t);
    return t;


于 2019-10-19T07:51:47.993 回答