在 Silk Performer 工具中重播脚本时,出现以下错误:
WebFormPostBin(HTTP:1014 - WWW-Authenticate 标头丢失,但状态代码为 401.,RespHdrGetHdr)
在 Silk Performer 工具中重播脚本时,出现以下错误:
WebFormPostBin(HTTP:1014 - WWW-Authenticate 标头丢失,但状态代码为 401.,RespHdrGetHdr)
Apparently it's not a problem on your script or recording, but a missing header on the server side.
Silk Performer recommends to consult the system administrator in order to ensure the server is configured to send this header: https://community.microfocus.com/t5/Silk-Performer-Knowledge-Base/On-replay-why-am-I-getting-an-error-quot-HTTP-1014-WWW/ta-p/1756195