我有一个使用 gun 作为 http 客户端库的 http gen_server。我能够打开连接并发出 GET 请求。但是,我没有收到响应正文,但收到的消息是'fin
. 如何在异步模式下获得枪响应?
(defun get (url-map)
(io:format "http get ~p~n" `(,url-map))
(let* ((`#(ok ,con-pid) (gun:open (binary:bin_to_list (map-get url-map 'host))
(if (== (map-get url-map 'scheme) #"https")
(mon-ref (monitor 'process con-pid)))
(io:format "gun:open msg ~p~n" `(,msg))
(handle-get-request url-map con-pid mon-ref)))
((after 3000) (exit 'timeout)))))
(defun handle-get-request (url-map con-pid mon-ref)
(io:format "handle get request path: ~p~n" `(,(map-get url-map 'path)))
(let ((stream-ref (gun:get con-pid (map-get url-map 'path))))
((tuple 'gun_response con-pid stream-ref 'fin status headers)
(io:format "get response body fin~nstatus ~p~nheaders ~p~n"
`(,status ,headers))
'no_data)) ; <--- how to get the response body content?
((tuple 'gun_response con-pid stream-ref 'nofin status headers)
(io:format "get response body nofin status ~p~n" `(,status))
(handle-get-response url-map con-pid mon-ref stream-ref)))
((tuple 'DOWN mon-ref 'process con-pid reason)
(io:format "handle get request error ~p~n" `(,reason))
(exit reason))
((after 5000) (exit 'timeout)))))
(defun handle-get-response (url-map con-pid mon-ref stream-ref)
(io:format "handle-get-response~n")
((tuple 'gun_data con-pid stream-ref 'nofin data)
(io:format "get response data ~p~n" `(,data))
(handle-get-response url-map con-pid mon-ref stream-ref)))
((tuple 'gun_data con-pid stream-ref 'fin data)
(io:format "handle get response finished ~p~n" `(,data)))
((tuple 'DOWN mon-ref 'process con-pid reason)
(io:format "handle get request error ~p~n" `(,reason))
(exit reason))
((after 5000) (exit 'timeout))))
http cast get state: #{host => <<"httpstat.us">>,path => <<"/200">>,
scheme => <<"https">>}
http get #{host => <<"httpstat.us">>,path => <<"/200">>,scheme => <<"https">>}
gun:open msg {gun_up,<0.146.0>,http}
handle get request path: <<"/200">>
get response body fin <--- how to get the response body content?
status 200
headers [{<<"cache-control">>,<<"private">>},
{<<"date">>,<<"Wed, 16 Oct 2019 19:07:29 GMT">>},
handle-post <<"http://date.jsontest.com/">>
dreamnet-svc-sup start child [#{url => <<"http://date.jsontest.com/">>}]
http cast get state: #{host => <<"date.jsontest.com">>,path => <<"/">>,
scheme => <<"http">>}
http get #{host => <<"date.jsontest.com">>,path => <<"/">>,
scheme => <<"http">>}
gun:open msg {gun_up,<0.188.0>,http}
handle get request path: <<"/">>
get response body nofin status 200
handle get response finished <<"{\n \"date\": \"10-17-2019\",\n \"milliseconds_since_epoch\": 1571333596738,\n \"time\": \"05:33:16 PM\"\n}\n">>
进一步研究,也使用 erlang 的 httpc 客户端,主体是空的。
lfe> (lists:map (lambda (a) (application:start a)) '(crypto asn1 public_key ssl inets))
lfe> (httpc:request 'get `#("https://httpstat.us/200" ()) '() '())
#(#("HTTP/1.1" 200 "OK")
(#("cache-control" "private")
#("date" "Thu, 17 Oct 2019 17:29:50 GMT")
#("server" "Microsoft-IIS/10.0")
#("content-length" "0")
#("x-aspnetmvc-version" "5.1")
#("access-control-allow-origin" "*")
#("x-aspnet-version" "4.0.30319")
#("x-powered-by" "ASP.NET")
也许这是服务器的一些问题,但我可以使用 curl 获得响应。
curl -X GET "https://httpstat.us/200"
200 OK%