Consider a Foo that holds some resource

struct Foo

and a global std::vector<Foo>. Perhaps stupid example, but it illustrates the problem well.

std::vector<Foo> bar;

Now, the processes forks.

If bar is then only modified by the child process, then a call to exit should be the proper thing to do within the child process. If calling _exit, any Foo:s in bar would leak. If the parent added some stuff to bar before the fork, these object may be destroyed twice. Or maybe this is not a problem, because they should be considered as different objects.

What is the proper way of dealing with object lifetime together with a fork. Is the only sane way of dealing with this problems to let the child exec and start over?

I should notice that at this point in the program, there is guaranteed to be only one thread.


2 回答 2


与 a 一起处理对象生命周期的正确方法是fork什么?



对于存在于进程之外的其他资源,例如文件、Web 套接字或共享内存;处理它们的最佳方法将取决于该资源是什么。通常,您最初用于创建这些资源的库/API 将概述这些最佳实践。

于 2019-10-16T16:59:36.003 回答



于 2019-10-16T17:09:54.767 回答