在 Clash 官网上,有如下例子:
>>> sampleN @System 4 (register 0 (pure (8 :: Signed 8)))
Clash.Prelude> sampleN @System 4 (register 0 (8 :: Signed 8))
<interactive>:2:32: error:
* Couldn't match expected type `Signal System a'
with actual type `Signed 8'
* In the second argument of `register', namely `(8 :: Signed 8)'
In the third argument of `sampleN', namely
`(register 0 (8 :: Signed 8))'
In the expression: sampleN @System 4 (register 0 (8 :: Signed 8))
* Relevant bindings include it :: [a] (bound at <interactive>:2:1)