I have been trying to develop a pivot viewer dynamic collection (from sample source code). My environment is IIS 6, Windows server 2003 and VS 2010. The collection works fine from VS2010, but when i publish the service through VS2010, the collection does not load. The main page is shown with only the link to cxml file. I have added the three mime entries and clientaccesspolicy.xml is already copied by VS. Is there something missing in my configuration?


2 回答 2



您是否添加了允许的 dzi 和 dzc mime 类型?

你可以看到这个Stackoverflow问题来学习如何做到这一点IIS 6

如何让 Silverlight Pivot Server 应用程序在 IIS 6 上运行?

此外,如果您使用的是 JIT 示例代码,那么在 PivotServer 项目中有 web.config 文件,其中有 httpHandler 配置值,这些值仅在 VS 中运行时使用。


Visual Studio Development Server 使用这些httpHandler配置值。要在IIS下运行服务器,请注释这些处理程序,以便 IIS 将使用下面system.webServer部分中的重复处理程序集。

    <add path="*.cxml" verb="GET" type="PivotServer.CxmlHandler"/>
    <add path="*.dzc" verb="GET" type="PivotServer.DzcHandler"/>
    <add path="*.dzi" verb="GET" type="PivotServer.DziHandler"/>
    <add path="*/dzi/*_files/*/*_*.jpg" verb="GET" type="PivotServer.DeepZoomImageHandler"/>
    <add path="*_files/*/*_*.jpg" verb="GET" type="PivotServer.ImageTileHandler"/>
于 2011-06-19T10:33:28.337 回答

给Loading Fail事件加个handler看看异常?

     PivotViewer.CollectionLoadingFailed += new EventHandler< CollectionErrorEventArgs >( PivotViewer_CollectionLoadingFailed );
于 2011-11-15T02:52:29.480 回答