那么在发送电子邮件后如何跟踪用户活动呢?我是否正确地假设您不能将 javascript 代码嵌入到电子邮件中以监控用户活动?我还如何为我的报告收集数据?
那么在发送电子邮件后如何跟踪用户活动呢?我是否正确地假设您不能将 javascript 代码嵌入到电子邮件中以监控用户活动?我还如何为我的报告收集数据?
许多 ISP 还阻止退回邮件,因为它们向垃圾邮件发送者提供信息。
您可以通过在 URL 中包含跟踪查询字符串位并通过您的站点路由它们来轻松跟踪点击率。
所以一个链接可能是:http ://mysite.com/?LinkID=foobar
至于已读与未读,您可以通过在您的网站中包含一个包含跟踪 URL http://mysite.com/track.gif?EmailID=email的小型透明图片来了解这一点。然而,这并不是万无一失的,因为电子邮件可以离线阅读,并且大多数现代电子邮件客户端在没有用户操作以在电子邮件中显示图像的情况下不会显示图像。
如果您想进行点击跟踪,您必须将邮件中的所有链接替换为指向您的跟踪脚本的链接。要进行有效的跟踪,以便稍后实际用于细分列表和更好地定位,您必须跟踪订阅者的 ID 和消息和/或活动 ID。一些电子邮件营销系统甚至会跟踪邮件中的链接位置,因此您可以准确地知道收件人是否点击了邮件顶部或中间以及我构建的系统中的同一个链接,我什至会跟踪他们是否点击了消息的 html 部分或文本部分中的链接。
Bounce tracking is done by processing the bounce messages that your server will receive or generate when a message cannot be delivered. I recommend using VERP: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variable_envelope_return_path
Open tracking is done by including the image with tracking code in the url. This would normally point to a script on your site that would record the subscriber id and message and/or campaign id then output the binary date for a transparent 1x1 px wide gif.
You can also track messages that are flagged as spam by some users of some ISPs like hotmail, yahoo, aol, and a few others. they offer feedback loops so every time someone clicks that "Spam" button in their webmail application they will send you a message that you can parse and determine the subscriber that actually flagged the message as spam. VERP also helps with this because the feedback loop messages don't always include the actual email address of the subscriber so you need another way to identify them. This page on wikipedia has a list of feedback ISPS that offer feedback loops : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feedback_Loop_%28email%29