当我尝试创建一个计数器并在 if-else 语句中递增它时,thinkscript 编译器会抛出令人困惑的错误,告诉我这是不允许的,但我已经在几个示例中看到了这一点。他们甚至有一个保留字:rec为了允许递增计数器。

score = score + 1;产生:# 已分配:得分在...

rec score = score + 1;产生:#标识符已使用:分数在...#不允许在 IF/THEN/ELSE 语句中

# TD Ameritrade IP Company, Inc. (c) 2017-2019

input price = close;
input length = 9;
input displace = 0;

def score = 0;

def smavrgg = Average(price[-displace], length);
def expMvAvrg = ExpAverage(price[-displace], length);

plot SMA = smavrgg;

plot AvgExp = expMvAvrg;

# 1 if uptrend, 0 if downtrend
def lastTrendisUp = (close[0] - close[1]) > 0 ;
def secondLastTrendisUP = (close[1] - close[2]) > 0;
def thirdLastTrendisUP = (close[2] - close[3]) > 0;
def fourthLastTrendisUP = (close[3] - close[4]) > 0;

input lookback = 5;

# defines intBool (array) that indicates whether one or the other crossed. 

def bull_cross = SMA crosses above AvgExp;
def bear_cross = AvgExp crosses below SMA;

# returns the highest value in the data array for the lookback.  
# so [0, 1, 0, 0] means a cross happened within the last units. and 1 will be returned.  

if (bull_cross[0] or bear_cross[0]) then {
    if lastTrendisUp {
        # Already assigned: Score at...
          score = score + 1;

        # identifier already used: score at ...
        # not allowed inside an IF/THEN/ELSE statement
          rec score = score + 1;

    } else {

} else if (bull_cross[1] or bear_cross[1])  {
    if secondLastTrendisUP {

    } else {

} else if (bull_cross[2] or bear_cross[2]) {
    if thirdLastTrendisUP {

    } else {

} else if (bull_cross[3] or bear_cross[3])  {
    if fourthLastTrendisUP {

    } else {

} else if (bull_cross[4] or bear_cross[4])  {

} else {


# If most recent cross happened in the last 4
# and most recent cross occured on a green candle.

def bull_lookback = Highest(bull_cross, lookback);
def bear_lookback = Highest(bear_cross, lookback);

# def think = if bull_lookback or bear_lookback  

plot signal = if bull_lookback then 2 else if bear_lookback then 1 else 0;
signal.AssignValueColor(if signal == 2 then Color.DARK_GREEN else if signal == 1 then Color.DARK_RED else Color.DARK_ORANGE);
AssignBackgroundColor(if signal == 2 then Color.DARK_GREEN else if signal == 1 then Color.DARK_RED else Color.DARK_ORANGE);

3 回答 3


在 Thinkscript 中定义变量并赋值后,它只对一根柱有效,它表现为一个常量,因此不能重新赋值。我很确定您甚至不能将 Def 命令放入条件中,就像在大多数代码中一样。为了创建“动态” SCORE,您需要在实例化的同一行中分配动态值。你不需要

def score = 0;







您可以使用 FOLD 语句在没有额外变量的情况下完成计数器,如下所示:

def score= fold index=0 to 4 
with p=0 
do p + ((bearcross[index] or bullcross[index]) and lastTrendisUp[index]);

这将在每次条件为真时将分数加一,并将总数分配给 SCORE 变量。我认为这是你想要完成的,我不能说,因为你以后永远不会展示你对 score 变量所做的事情......如果你只是想知道是牛叉还是熊叉条件lasttrendisup条件在最后五个条中的任何一个中计算为真,然后在 with 上方添加“while p=0”,它会在遇到第一个真实例时立即返回一个到 SCORE。

于 2019-10-26T21:11:45.203 回答

计数器在每个柱上将变量增加 1:

score = score[1] + 1;

[1] 的意思是,从 1 bar 之前的那个变量中获取值。

于 2020-06-27T00:24:33.187 回答

答案是 thinkscript 中的变量无法更改。

于 2019-10-09T20:33:36.717 回答