我是 Angular 和 RXJS 的新手——我正在尝试从 rest api 返回标准化数据并在客户端上组装层次结构。我创建了这个堆栈闪电战,这是我想要完成的一个非常基本的版本: https ://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-ffdbza

这些接口(ParentData、AssnData 和 ChildData)表示从 API 返回的 JSON 数据。Parent 和 Child 接口是我希望在客户端上表示数据的方式(在实际应用程序中,我会将这个新对象绑定到分层网格)。关键是Assn数据有一个属性(statusCode)需要基于Parent应用到每个Child。

// represents normalized data coming from the service
export interface ParentData {
  parentCode: string, 
  name: string

export interface AssnData {
  parentCode: string
  childId: number,
  statusCode: string

export interface ChildData {
  childId: number,
  type: string

// represents the merged data for display 
export interface Parent {
  parentCode: string,
  name: string
  kids: Child[]

export interface Child {
  childId: number
  type: string,
  statusCode: string

这是我到目前为止的代码(从堆栈闪电战中的 data.component.ts 中获取)。它将 Assn 对象添加到正确的父对象,但我无法将 Child 对象与每个 Assn 对象合并。我正在做一个 console.log 来查看结果。

  getRelationalData() {
    let x = combineLatest(
      map(([pData, aData, cData]) => {
        return pData.map(p => {
          return {
            kids: aData.filter(a => a.parentCode === p.parentCode)
    return x;

1 回答 1


我有一个新的堆栈闪电战正在运行,但它似乎不是最优雅的代码: https ://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-rg6q5d?file=src/app/data.component.ts

我还更改了输出以在屏幕上显示之前/之后的 JSON,以便更容易看到我正在尝试做什么(希望如此)。任何人都可以提供使这更好的见解吗?

getRelationalData() {
    let x = combineLatest(
      map(([pData, aData, cData]) => {
        return pData.map(p => {
          // get assn objects for this parent
          let assn = aData.filter(a => a.parentCode === p.parentCode);

          // get kids for this parent based on assn object (filter undefined)
          let kids = cData.map(c => this.mergeData(c, assn))
            .filter(k => k !== undefined ) ;

          // return a new parent with the newly created child objects
          return {
            kids: kids
      //, tap(x => console.log(x))
    return x;

  mergeData(child, assnObs){
    // filter the assn objects for each child
    let assn = assnObs.find(a => a.childId === child.id);

    // return undefined so it can be filtered later
    if (assn === undefined){
      return assn;

    //return the child object with the appropriate statusCode
    return Object.assign(
        statusCode: assn.statusCode

生成的 JSON - 父对象和子对象正确关联,并且每个子对象都具有基于父对象的适当状态代码:

    "parentCode": "abc",
    "name": "John",
    "kids": [
        "id": "123",
        "name": "Billy",
        "age": "10",
        "statusCode": "tallest"
        "id": "789",
        "name": "Sue",
        "age": "6",
        "statusCode": "youngest"
    "parentCode": "xyz",
    "name": "Jane",
    "kids": [
        "id": "456",
        "name": "Bobby",
        "age": "8",
        "statusCode": "something"
        "id": "789",
        "name": "Sue",
        "age": "6",
        "statusCode": "whatever"
于 2019-10-08T16:22:09.553 回答