In Webots to synchronize robots synchronization field should be set to True, so that it waits for wb_robot_step as stated here. I have two questions:

  1. How to use wb_robot_step when using ROS, as we have no option to use it in the context of controller.
  2. How to sync multiple homogeneous robots i.e. every robot shoud have its own wb_robot_step or just one which executes the next physics step.

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要同步机器人的控制器,应该设置机器人的 controllerArgs 字段。

controllerArgs: --name=robot_01 --synchronize   
  1. 在 ROS 中, wb_robot_step 是/robot/time_step。每次都应该调用它来执行。

  2. 每个机器人都调用自己的 /robot/time_step 服务。

于 2019-10-04T12:11:40.010 回答