import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
data MyStructure = Foo Int | Bar String MyStructure | Baz MyStructure MyStructure | Qux Bool Bool MyStructure MyStructure deriving(Eq,Show)
makeReplacements :: [(MyStructure, MyStructure)] -> MyStructure -> MyStructure
makeReplacements replacements structure = fromMaybe (descend structure) (lookup structure replacements)
descend :: MyStructure -> MyStructure
descend (Foo x) = Foo x
descend (Bar x y) = Bar x (makeReplacements replacements y)
descend (Baz x y) = Baz (makeReplacements replacements x) (makeReplacements replacements y)
descend (Qux x y z w) = Qux x y (makeReplacements replacements z) (makeReplacements replacements w)
首先,我投入了makeBaseFunctor ''MyStructure
。为了清楚起见,我在下面扩展了生成的 Template Haskell 和派生的 Functor 实例。然后我能够重写descend
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable, TypeFamilies #-}
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Functor.Foldable (Base, Recursive(..), Corecursive(..))
data MyStructure = Foo Int | Bar String MyStructure | Baz MyStructure MyStructure | Qux Bool Bool MyStructure MyStructure deriving(Eq,Show)
makeReplacements :: [(MyStructure, MyStructure)] -> MyStructure -> MyStructure
makeReplacements replacements structure = fromMaybe (descend structure) (lookup structure replacements)
descend :: MyStructure -> MyStructure
descend = embed . fmap (makeReplacements replacements) . project
-- begin code that would normally be auto-generated
data MyStructureF r = FooF Int | BarF String r | BazF r r | QuxF Bool Bool r r deriving(Foldable,Traversable)
instance Functor MyStructureF where
fmap _ (FooF x) = FooF x
fmap f (BarF x y) = BarF x (f y)
fmap f (BazF x y) = BazF (f x) (f y)
fmap f (QuxF x y z w) = QuxF x y (f z) (f w)
type instance Base MyStructure = MyStructureF
instance Recursive MyStructure where
project (Foo x) = FooF x
project (Bar x y) = BarF x y
project (Baz x y) = BazF x y
project (Qux x y z w) = QuxF x y z w
instance Corecursive MyStructure where
embed (FooF x) = Foo x
embed (BarF x y) = Bar x y
embed (BazF x y) = Baz x y
embed (QuxF x y z w) = Qux x y z w
-- end code that would normally be auto-generated
如果我在这里停下来,我已经取得了胜利:我不再需要在 中写出所有的情况descend
,而且我不会意外地犯错误,例如descend (Baz x y) = Baz x (makeReplacements replacements y)