I'm writing a double joint robots and its controller for a forward kinematics example.

An interesting thing is that the second rotational motor attached to the first rotational motor with a link starts moving to the target position only after the first one has reached the target position.

I expected two rotation motors would move independently.

The world file and the controller are as follows:

#VRML_SIM R2019b utf8
WorldInfo {
Viewpoint {
  orientation 1 0 0 4.71238898038469
  position 0 1.86 0
TexturedBackground {
TexturedBackgroundLight {
RectangleArena {
DEF TARGET Transform {
  translation 0.2 0 0
  children [
    Transform {
      translation 0 0.005 0
      children [
        Shape {
          appearance Appearance {
            material Material {
              diffuseColor 1 0 0
              transparency 0.2
          geometry Cylinder {
            height 0.02
            radius 0.01
  translation 0 0.005 0
  children [
    Shape {
      geometry Cylinder {
        height 0.02
        radius 0.001
    HingeJoint {
      jointParameters HingeJointParameters {
        axis 0 1 0
      device [
        RotationalMotor {
          name "j0"
      endPoint Solid {
        translation 0.05 0 0
        children [
          Shape {
            appearance Appearance {
              material Material {
                diffuseColor 0 0 0
            geometry Box {
              size 0.1 0.01 0.01
          SliderJoint {
            jointParameters JointParameters {
              axis 1 0 0
            device [
              LinearMotor {
                name "d0"
            endPoint Solid {
              children [
                Transform {
                  translation 0.05 0 0
                  children [
                    Shape {
                      geometry Cylinder {
                        height 0.02
                        radius 0.001
                    HingeJoint {
                      jointParameters HingeJointParameters {
                        axis 0 1 0
                      device [
                        RotationalMotor {
                          name "j1"
                      endPoint Solid {
                        translation 0.05 0 0
                        children [
                          Shape {
                            appearance Appearance {
                              material Material {
                                diffuseColor 0 0 0
                            geometry Box {
                              size 0.1 0.01 0.01
                          SliderJoint {
                            jointParameters JointParameters {
                              axis 1 0 0
                            device [
                              LinearMotor {
                                name "d1"
                            endPoint Solid {
                              children [
                                Shape {
                                  appearance Appearance {
                                    material Material {
                                      diffuseColor 1 1 1
                                  geometry Box {
                                    size 0.1 0.009 0.009
                                Transform {
                                  translation 0.05 0 0
                                  children [
                                    Shape {
                                      appearance Appearance {
                                        material Material {
                                          diffuseColor 0 0 1
                                      geometry Box {
                                        size 0.011 0.011 0.011
                Shape {
                  appearance Appearance {
                    material Material {
                      diffuseColor 1 1 1
                  geometry Box {
                    size 0.1 0.009 0.009
  controller "my_controller"
  supervisor TRUE
from controller import Supervisor

import math
import random
import numpy as np

def calculateEndPoint(j0, d0, j1, d1):
    m0 = np.array([[math.cos(j0), -math.sin(j0), d0 * math.cos(j0)],
                   [math.sin(j0), math.cos(j0),  d0 * math.sin(j0)],
                   [0,            0,             1]])
    m1 = np.array([[math.cos(j1), -math.sin(j1), d1 * math.cos(j1)],
                   [math.sin(j1), math.cos(j1),  d1 * math.sin(j1)],
                   [0,            0,             1]])
    v = np.array([0, 0, 1]).transpose()

    ret = np.matmul(np.matmul(m0, m1), v)

    return [ret[0], ret[1]]

class MyController(Supervisor):
    D_OFFSET = 0.1
    J_MIN = 0
    J_MAX = 2 * math.pi
    D_MIN = 0
    D_MAX = 0.1

    def __init__(self):

        self.target = self.getFromDef("TARGET")

        self.j0 = self.getMotor("j0")
        self.d0 = self.getMotor("d0")
        self.j1 = self.getMotor("j1")
        self.d1 = self.getMotor("d1")

    def run(self):
        last_configuration_changed = 0

        while self.step(int(self.getBasicTimeStep())) != -1:
            if self.getTime() - last_configuration_changed > self.TIME_CHANGE_CONFIGURATION:
                # generate random configuration
                j0 = random.uniform(self.J_MIN, self.J_MAX)
                d0 = random.uniform(self.D_MIN, self.D_MAX)
                j1 = random.uniform(self.J_MIN, self.J_MAX)
                d1 = random.uniform(self.D_MIN, self.D_MAX)

                # call assignment function to get the coordinate of the end effector
                [x, y] = calculateEndPoint(j0, d0 + self.D_OFFSET,
                                           j1, d1 + self.D_OFFSET)

                # move the red box to the result
                self.target.getField("translation").setSFVec3f([x, 0, -y])

                # control motor

                # update last updated time
                last_configuration_changed = last_configuration_changed + self.TIME_CHANGE_CONFIGURATION

controller = MyController()

The links have 0 mass values, so I don't think it's caused by the torque limit.

What am I missing?


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