Basically, I want to have an interactive button on my website, that, when clicked, sends some data to the server in order to be checked and display the response (without form sending / page reload).
I thought it would be something like:
function checkData()
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
var conf = document.getElementById('my_text_area').value;"GET", 'check_data', true);
req.onreadystatechange = function ()
var pre = document.getElementById('check_data_out');
pre.innerHTML = req.responseText;
return false;
And on the server side:
def check_data():
# Process the content and answer something...
content = str(request.is_ajax) + ' - ' + str(request.GET) + ' - ' + str(request.POST)
return content
But this obviously doesn't work. Either it is not the right way to send data via javascript or not the right way to access it in
Showing me how it works is highly appreciated.