新的 V1.0.2 具有将附件上传到 domino 文档的新功能。只要我使用文件 <= 48KB,我的上传代码就会成功。一旦我尝试上传一个更大的文件,就会上传,在 domino 文档中我找到了一个大小合适的附件 - 但文件已损坏!
这是我的代码(对应于较大文件的 appdev pack 文档中的示例代码):
for (var x = 0; x < files["tskFile"].length; x++) {
let sFilename = files["tskFile"][x].originalname;
let sPath = files["tskFile"][x].path;
let buffer = fs.readFileSync(sPath);
const writable = await db.bulkCreateAttachmentStream({});
writable.on('error', e => {
// An error occurred and the stream is closed
console.error("Error on write ", e)
writable.on('response', response => {
// The attachment content was written to the document and a
// response has arrived from the server
console.log(">> File " + sFilename + " saved to doc ")
let error;
// Write the image in n chunks
let offset = 0;
const writeRemaining = () => {
if (error) {
let draining = true;
while (offset < buffer.length && draining) {
const remainingBytes = buffer.length - offset;
let chunkSize = 16 * 1024;
if (remainingBytes < chunkSize) {
chunkSize = remainingBytes;
const chunk = new Uint8Array(
buffer.slice(offset, offset + chunkSize),
draining = writable.write(chunk);
offset += chunkSize;
if (offset < buffer.length) {
// Buffer is not draining. Write some more once it drains.
writable.once('drain', writeRemaining);
} else {
unid: unid,
fileName: sFilename,
} // end forall attachments
这是我的服务器的 notes.ini 变量:
我在 AppDevPack 中的错误或错误?有人尝试过这个新功能吗?