下面函数的输入被存储在一个列表中,它是易失的。我可以将列表或向量存储在一个文件中,这样它就可以永久删除或通过打开文件本身来修改其中的内容。我试图添加一个文件 bt 它没有工作。该文件将输入 bt nt 存储在队列中,所以每次我尝试访问队列内的值时都不能

  void Flight::addFlight(){

        /* ----INITIALISE VARS----*/
        bool flag = false; // used in loops

        /* --Check for arrival, departure time validity (USED ONLY IN BOARDING & ARRIVING TIME)-- */
        vector<string> fields; // stores, splitted,  user input to be checked
        string temp; // stores user's input temp
        char* pch; // stores result of function strtok()
        int hour; // stores hour
        int min; // store minutes

        cout << "Add new flights by giving the following attributes: \n";

        // clean stream

        /* --FLIGHT NUBMER-- */
        cout << "Flight Number: ";
        // get user's input
        getline(cin, temp);

            flag = true;

            // check input
            if (!checkNumber(temp)){
                cout << "Please insert a valid Flight Number! " << endl;
                flag = false;
                getline(cin, temp);
            }else if (Flight::flightExists( atoi(temp.c_str()) )) {
                cout << "This Flight already exists!" << endl;
                cout << "Please insert a valid Flight Number!" << endl;
                flag = false;
                getline(cin, temp);
            }else {
                flag = true;
                this -> flightNo = atoi(temp.c_str());

        /* --DEPARTURE-- */
        cout << "Departure: ";
        flag = false;

        // check input
            getline(cin, temp);
            if ( (temp.length() <= 10) && (checkString(temp)) ){
                this -> from = temp;
                flag = true;
            }else {
                cout << "Please insert a valid Departure city! ";
                goto LOOP;

        /* --DESTINATION-- */
        cout << "Destination: ";
        flag = false;

        // check input
            getline(cin, temp);
            if ( (temp.length() <= 10) && (checkString(temp)) && (temp.compare(this -> from)) ){
                this -> to = temp;
                flag = true;
                cout << "Please insert a valid Destination city! ";
                goto LOOP2;

        /* --DEPARTURE TIME-- */
        cout << "Boarding time (e.g. 19:40): "; //ask from user for the boarding time
        flag = false;

        // check input
            getline(cin, temp);

            if( temp.length() != 5 || !checkTime(temp) ){
                cout << "Please insert a valid boarding time (e.g. 19:40)! ";
                goto LOOP3;

            char t_temp[temp.length()];

            strcpy(t_temp, temp.c_str());

            //split string
            pch = strtok(t_temp, ":");

            while(pch != NULL){
                pch = strtok(NULL, ":");

            hour = atoi(fields[0].c_str());
            min = atoi(fields[1].c_str());

            // check time
            if ((hour >=0 && hour<=23) && (min>=0 && min <=59)){
                this -> t_leave.hour = hour;
                this -> t_leave.min = min;
                flag = true;
                cout << "Please insert a valid boarding time (e.g. 19:40)! ";


        /* --ARRIVAL TIME-- */
        cout << "Arriving time (e.g. 21:40): ";
        flag = false;
        fields.clear(); // clear fields (because it was used before, at "DEPARTURE TIME")

        // check input
            getline(cin, temp);

            if( temp.length() > 5 || !checkTime(temp) ){
                cout << "Please insert a valid boarding time (e.g. 19:40)! ";
                goto LOOP4;

            char t_temp[temp.length()];

            strcpy(t_temp, temp.c_str());

            //split string
            pch = strtok(t_temp, ":");

            while(pch != NULL){
                pch = strtok(NULL, ":");

            hour = atoi(fields[0].c_str());
            min = atoi(fields[1].c_str());

            // check validity of time
            if ((hour >=0 && hour<=23) && (min>=0 && min <=59)){
                this -> t_arrive.hour = hour;
                this -> t_arrive.min = min;
                flag = true;
                cout << "Please insert a valid arriving time (e.g. 19:40)! ";


        /* --TICKET COST-- */
        cout << "Ticket price: ";

            getline(cin, temp);
            flag = true;

            // check input
            if (!checkNumber(temp)){
                cout << "Please insert a valid ticket price!" << endl;
                flag = false;
                goto LOOP5;
                flag = true;
                this -> cost = atoi(temp.c_str());

        /* --AIRCRAFT TYPE-- */
        cout << "Aeroplane type: ";
        getline(cin, this -> plane_type);
        while(this -> plane_type.empty()){
            cout << "Please insert a valid Aeroplane type!" << endl;
            getline(cin, this -> plane_type);

        /* --No OF SEATS-- */
        cout << "Number of seats: ";

            getline(cin, temp);
            flag = true;

            // check input
            if (!checkNumber(temp)){
                cout << "Please insert a valid number of seats!" << endl;
                flag = false;
                goto LOOP6;
                flag = true;
                this -> seats = atoi(temp.c_str());

        /* --No of BOOKED SEATS-- */
        cout << "Number of booked seats: ";

            getline(cin, temp);
            flag = true;

            // check input
            if (!checkNumber(temp)){
                cout << "Please insert a valid number of booked seats!" << endl;
                flag = false;
                goto LOOP7;
            }else if ( atoi(temp.c_str()) > this -> seats ) {
                cout << "Booked seats must be less than plane's seats!" << endl;
                flag = false;
                goto LOOP7;
            }else {
                flag = true;
                this -> booked_seats = atoi(temp.c_str());
        cout << endl;

        flist.push_back(*this); // add object to the flist

        Queue q(this -> flightNo); // create new queue for the newly added flight
        qlist.push_back(q); // add object to the qlist

        cout << "Flight No: "<< this -> flightNo << " was successfully added!" << endl;


    void Flight::write_train(){
        cout<<"\n\nThe Trip Has Been Added ";

    void Flight::deleteFlight(int num){


            for (std::list<Queue>::iterator i = qlist.begin(); i != qlist.end(); ++i){
                if( num == i -> getNo() ){

                    // enter if waiting queue for the flight is NOT empty
                    if (!i -> isEmpty()) {
                        // delete object from flist
                        for (std::list<Flight>::iterator i2 = flist.begin(); i2 != flist.end(); ++i2){
                            if( num == (i2 -> flightNo) ){
                                i2 = flist.erase(i2);
                                i = qlist.erase(i);
                                cout << "Flight with number: " << num << " was successfully deleted" << endl;
                        cout << "There are passengers in the queue of the flight with No: " << num << endl;
                        cout << "Remove ALL of them from the queue first!" << endl;

            cout << "This flight number doesn't exist!" << endl;

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