example.com/store/{location} 必须重定向到 example.com/store2/{location}
这需要重定向,而不仅仅是一个 url 'rewrite',所以我猜我需要 mod_alias,对吧?有人愿意分享正确的代码吗?我对 mod_rewrite 和 mod_alias 都有些模糊。(我希望我问的正确)谢谢!
example.com/store/{location} 必须重定向到 example.com/store2/{location}
这需要重定向,而不仅仅是一个 url 'rewrite',所以我猜我需要 mod_alias,对吧?有人愿意分享正确的代码吗?我对 mod_rewrite 和 mod_alias 都有些模糊。(我希望我问的正确)谢谢!
If you mean you want to tell the browser to redirect its location, you simply can do this with mod_alias
Redirect /store http://example.com/store2
Or the following if you mean it's a permanent redirect:
RedirectPermanent /store http://example.com/store2
As for your confusion, mod_alias is basically a simpler version of mod_rewrite. Quoting GreyWyvern:
Essentially, if you're doing a "rewrite" which doesn't have any complex conditions attached to it, you should be using mod_alias. Conversely, if you want to redirect requests to files and query strings which you don't want displayed in the browser's address bar, you should be using mod_rewrite
RewriteRule ^/store/(.*)/$ store2/$1 [R=301,L]