是的,您需要在 debug_handler 上使用过滤器,但是您不能通过fileConfig添加过滤器。
fileConfig() API 比 dictConfig() API 更老,并且不提供涵盖日志记录某些方面的功能。例如,您不能使用 fileConfig() 配置过滤器对象,这些对象提供超过简单整数级别的消息过滤。如果您需要在日志配置中包含 Filter 的实例,则需要使用 dictConfig()。请注意,未来对配置功能的增强将添加到 dictConfig(),因此在方便时考虑转换到这个更新的 API 是值得的。
因此,请考虑使用dictConfig(无论您的配置如何,都没有理由不切换到dictConfig dictConfig
import logging
from logging import config
class FileFilter:
"""Allow only LogRecords whose severity levels are below ERROR."""
def __call__(self, log):
if log.levelno < logging.ERROR:
return 1
return 0
logging_config = {
'version': 1,
'formatters': {
'error_formatter': {
'format': '{asctime} - {name} - {levelname} - line {lineno} - {message}',
'style': '{',
'datefmt': '%d/%m/%y - %H:%M:%S',
'debug_formatter': {
'format': '{asctime} - {name} - {levelname} - {message}',
'style': '{',
'datefmt': '%d/%m/%y - %H:%M:%S',
'filters': {
'file_filter': {
'()': FileFilter,
'handlers': {
'console_handler': {
'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
'formatter': 'debug_formatter',
'error_handler': {
'class': 'logging.FileHandler',
'formatter': 'debug_formatter',
'level': 'ERROR',
'filename': 'errors.log',
'debug_handler': {
'class': 'logging.FileHandler',
'formatter': 'debug_formatter',
'filters': ['file_filter'],
'filename': 'debug.log',
'root': {
'level': 'DEBUG',
'handlers': ['console_handler', 'error_handler', 'debug_handler'],
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# these get logged to the console and only to the debugs.log file
# if you want just the debug messages logged to the file, adjust the filter
logger.debug('this is a debug message')
logger.info('this is an info message')
logger.warning('this is a warning message')
# this get logged to the console and only to the errors.log file
logger.error('this is an error message')
logger.critical('this is a critical message')
27/09/19 - 07:52:44 - __main__ - DEBUG - this is a debug message # also to debug.log
27/09/19 - 07:52:44 - __main__ - INFO - this is an info message # also to debug.log
27/09/19 - 07:52:44 - __main__ - WARNING - this is a warning message # also to debug.log
27/09/19 - 07:52:44 - __main__ - ERROR - this is an error message # also to errors.log but not to debug.log
27/09/19 - 07:52:44 - __main__ - CRITICAL - this is a critical message # also to errors.log but not to debug.log
如果您出于某种神秘原因(我看不到任何原因)坚持使用较旧的 API,fileConfig