我想了解在 mulesoft 的背景下发生了什么。

例如,当我们在 Anypoint studio 中拖放一个 Compent ie 调色板时会发生什么?我想看看 Java 代码及其实际工作原理。有人可以给我线索或指导我从哪里开始阅读它。

我已经检查了项目路径,其中只有 xml 文件并且不存在 java 文件。

谢谢, Vignesh G


1 回答 1


Your question is too open ended and wide in scope to probably have a simple answer. It is not clear if you are asking about how Anypoint Studio works at design time, or Mule Runtime at execution time. I'm assuming you are interested in the later. Mule Runtime is implemented in Java, but it doesn't generate Java code. If you are interested in the internals of Mule you can go to the open source repository and inspect the code: https://github.com/mulesoft/mule. It is not a trivial project by any means, so it is not possible to describe how it works in a comment.

于 2019-09-27T00:24:49.837 回答