使用提供的配置文件在我的 Raspberry pi 4 上配置手刹 ( https://github.com/HandBrake/HandBrake ) 失败,因为它找不到 numa。

[outeh@outeh-pi HandBrake]$ ./configure 
probe: build tuple...(pass) aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu
find: ar...(pass) /usr/bin/ar
find: cp...(pass) /usr/bin/cp
find: gcc...(pass) /usr/bin/gcc
find: gmake...(pass) /usr/bin/make
find: gm4...(pass) /usr/bin/m4
find: meson...(pass) /usr/bin/meson
find: mkdir...(pass) /usr/bin/mkdir
find: ninja-build...(pass) /usr/bin/ninja
find: gpatch...(pass) /usr/bin/patch
find: rm...(pass) /usr/bin/rm
find: ranlib...(pass) /usr/bin/ranlib
find: strip...(pass) /usr/bin/strip
find: gtar...(pass) /usr/bin/tar
find: nasm...(fail) not found
find: autoconf...(pass) /usr/bin/autoconf
find: automake...(pass) /usr/bin/automake
find: cmake...(pass) /usr/bin/cmake
find: libtool...(pass) /usr/bin/libtool
find: pkg-config...(pass) /usr/bin/pkg-config
find: xcodebuild...(fail) not found
find: lipo...(fail) not found
find: python3...(pass) /usr/bin/python3
compute: available architectures...(pass) aarch64
probe: number of CPU cores...(pass) 4
probe: repo info...(pass) https://github.com/HandBrake/HandBrake.git
compute: project data...(pass) HandBrake (developer)
compute: host tuple...(pass) aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu
probe: numa...(fail) code 1
  : b'Package numa was not found in the pkg-config search path.'
  : b"Perhaps you should add the directory containing `numa.pc'"
  : b'to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable'
  : b"Package 'numa', required by 'virtual:world', not found"
  : [b'conftest.c:2:10: schwerwiegender Fehler: numa.h: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden', b'    2 | #include <numa.h>', b'      |          ^~~~~~~~', b'Kompilierung beendet.']
ERROR: unable to continue; configure stop.

我正在使用 Manjaro 的 Raspberry pi 4 版本(https://manjaro.org/download/arm/raspebery-pi-4/arm8-raspberry-pi-4-xfce/)我的系统已更新,但我找不到numa 在 repos 或 aur 中。Handbrake 使用介子构建系统,所有配置脚本都是在检查是否存在 python 解释器后打开这个 > https://github.com/HandBrake/HandBrake/blob/master/make/configure.py < python 脚本。编辑: echo $PKG_CONFIG_PATH返回一个空白换行符。


2 回答 2


这意味着并不是所有的依赖都安装了,尤其是至少 缺少libnuma-dev,所以你需要:

sudo apt-get install libnuma-dev

或者,实际上,对于您的 Manjaro:

sudo pacman -S libnuma-dev


于 2019-09-27T20:55:43.860 回答

通过从源代码构建 libnuma,我能够自己解决这个问题。但我仍然不知道为什么我在 repos 中找不到合适的包。

于 2019-09-28T17:36:34.710 回答