表:(仅出于可读性目的使用类似 C# 的语法定义表)
table MainItems
column PK not-null unique int MainItemKey;
column string Name;
column string AspectAInfo;
column string AspectBInfo;
// 0 for A, 1 for B, 2 for both (Could be replaced with 2 boolean columns)
column not-null int AspectABOrBoth;
table AspectAMoreInfo
column PK not-null unique in AspectAMoreInfoKey;
column FK not-null int MainItemKey;
column string PayLoadA;
table AspectBMoreInfo
column PK not-null unique in AspectBMoreInfoKey;
column FK not-null int MainItemKey;
column double PayLoadB;
// Map to MainItems table if column AspectABOrBoth is 0 or 2
class TypeAItem
// Map to MainItemKey column
int TypeAItemKey { get; set; }
string Name { get; set; } // Map to Name column
// Navigation property to AspectAMoreInfo rows
List<TypeAMoreInfo> MoreInfo { get; set; }
// Navigation property to MainItems row when AspectABOrBoth is 2
TypeBItem OptionalInnerItemB { get; set; }
// Map to MainItems table if column AspectABOrBoth is 1 or 2
class TypeBItem
// Map to MainItemKey column
int TypeBItemKey { get; set; }
string Name { get; set; } // Map to Name column
// Navigation property to AspectBMoreInfo rows
List<TypeBMoreInfo> MoreInfo { get; set; }
// Map to AspectAMoreInfo table
class TypeAMoreInfo
// Map to AspectAMoreInfoKey column
int TypeAMoreInfoKey { get; set; }
// Navigation property to MainItems row when MainItems.AspectABOrBoth is 0 or 2
TypeAItem Owner { get; set; }
// Map to AspectBMoreInfo table
class TypeBMoreInfo
// Map to AspectBMoreInfoKey column
int TypeBMoreInfoKey { get; set; }
// Navigation property to MainItems row when MainItems.AspectABOrBoth is 1 or 2
TypeBItem Owner { get; set; }
在 MainItems 表上方定义 2 个视图并将实体映射到它们。
(可以使用基本类型,与 Table-Per-Concrete-Type 一起使用。)将 2 个可为空的 FK 列添加到指向自身(指向同一行)而不是 AspectABOrBoth 列的 MainItems 表
(如果 MainItem 是 AspectA,则 1 个不为空,如果 MainItem 是 AspectB,则另一个不为空。)
(可以使用表拆分与此,基于新的 FK 列。)