如何将 PC 上根目录中的所有文件和子目录上传到我的 Azure 存储帐户文件共享(文件,而不是 blob)?我的想法是我想有效地“克隆”我的 PC 或硬盘驱动器上存在的所有文件和目录结构,并将它们上传到我的 Azure 文件共享。

Dominic Whitham 的在线图形作品集


1 回答 1


我需要将数千个文件及其文件夹上传到我的 Azure 存储帐户文件共享(文件,而不是 blob)。所以我创建了一个简单的 PC 应用程序,它可以让我在我的 PC(或附加的硬盘驱动器)上选择一个文件夹,单击一个按钮,瞧!然后,这些文件和目录很容易“克隆”到我在云中的 Azure 文件共享位置。

首先,您需要在 Visual Studio 中创建一个新项目。我正在使用 VS 2017。

步骤 1:创建新的 Windows 窗体应用程序

第 2 步:我们需要添加一个名为 WindowsAzure.Storage (v. 9.3.3) 的 NuGet 包,因此请转到 Project-->Manage NuGet Packages。单击浏览选项卡并搜索 WindowsAzure.Storage。然后点击“安装”。

第 3 步:为您的项目添加一个新类。然后复制/粘贴以下代码,其中包含完成上传文件的繁重工作所需的功能......

步骤 3a:重要;请务必将“yourStorageAccountName”和“yourStorageAccountKey”值替换为代表您的Azure 文件存储帐户的有效值。

Imports Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage
Imports System.IO
Imports Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.File

Public Class AzureStorageUpload
    Private mConnectionString As String = "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=yourStorageAccountName;AccountKey=yourStorageAccountKey"

    Private mUploadFileSize As Long
    Private mUploadFileExtension As String
    Private mCloudFile As CloudFile

    Public Sub UploadFileAsFileToAzureStorage(fileShare As String, folderPath As String, fullFilePath As String, originalName As String)
        'Connect to Azure
        Dim storageAccount As CloudStorageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(mConnectionString)

        ' Create a reference to the file client.
        Dim CloudFileClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudFileClient()
        Dim share As CloudFileShare = CloudFileClient.GetShareReference(fileShare)
        If share.Exists = True Then
            Dim rootDir As CloudFileDirectory = share.GetRootDirectoryReference()
            Dim cfd As CloudFileDirectory = share.GetRootDirectoryReference()
            cfd = cfd.GetDirectoryReference(folderPath)

            'Create a reference to the filename that you will be uploading
            mCloudFile = cfd.GetFileReference(originalName)

            'Upload the file to Azure

            mUploadFileSize = mCloudFile.Properties.Length
            mUploadFileExtension = Path.GetExtension(mCloudFile.Name)
        End If

        share = Nothing
        CloudFileClient = Nothing
        storageAccount = Nothing
    End Sub

    Public Sub CreateDirectory(fileShare As String, folder As String)
        'Connect to Azure
        Dim storageAccount As CloudStorageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(mConnectionString)

        ' Create a reference to the file client.
        Dim CloudFileClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudFileClient()
        Dim share As CloudFileShare = CloudFileClient.GetShareReference(fileShare)

        If share.Exists = True Then
            Dim cfd As CloudFileDirectory = share.GetRootDirectoryReference()
            cfd = cfd.GetDirectoryReference(folder)

            cfd = Nothing
        End If

        share = Nothing
        CloudFileClient = Nothing
        storageAccount = Nothing
    End Sub

    Private Function PathOnly(fileName As String) As String
        Dim l As Long

        l = InStrRev(fileName, "\")
        If l = 0 Then
            Return fileName
            Return Mid(fileName, 1, l)
        End If
    End Function

    Public Function JobOnly(ByVal MyJob As String) As String
        Dim l As Long

        JobOnly = MyJob
        l = InStrRev(JobOnly, "\")
        If l = 0 Then
            Exit Function
        End If
        JobOnly = Mid(JobOnly, l + 1, Len(JobOnly) - l)

        l = InStrRev(JobOnly, ".")
        If l = 0 Then
            Exit Function
            'Eliminate the extension
            JobOnly = Mid(JobOnly, 1, l - 1)
        End If
    End Function
End Class

第 4 步:在您的 Windows 窗体 (form1) 上,放置以下控件:

  1. TextBox1 应该是一个宽文本框,它将包含所需的路径。
    此路径将是将创建并上传到 Azure 文件共享的所有文件和子目录的“根”路径。请注意,根文件夹的文件(如果有的话)不会被枚举,因此不会被复制,但它的所有
  2. 放置一个按钮,Button1,上面写着“选择文件夹”
  3. 在其下方,放置显示“上传到云端”的 Button2
  4. 在其下方,放置显示“取消”的 Button3
  5. 添加一个 StatusStrip,停靠在底部,并在其中放置一个名为“tsData1”的 ToolStripStatusLabel
  6. 添加一个 FolderBrowserDialog 控件,并将其命名为“fbd1”

第 5 步:现在您已准备好在表单后面添加代码:

Imports System.IO

Public Class Form1
    Private mWorking As Boolean

    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        ' Select Folder/Directory to Upload
        ' Note:  The idea is that all SubDirectories and Files will be copied (cloned) to your Azure Storage FileShare (as Files, not Blobs)
        Dim DiaResult As DialogResult
        Dim batchFolder As String = "c:\"

        With fbd1
            .RootFolder = Environment.SpecialFolder.MyComputer
            .SelectedPath = batchFolder
            .Description = "Select folder to Upload to Azure Storage"
            DiaResult = .ShowDialog()
            If DiaResult <> Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
                Exit Sub
                TextBox1.Text = .SelectedPath
            End If
        End With
    End Sub

    Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
        Dim i As Integer

        ' Note: Here, I'm searching for all files that have a .png extension.  If you simply want to transfer ALL files within the folders,
        ' just use *.* instead of *.png
        ' Also note that the initial directory's files are NOT enumerated (so if there are FILES in your initial chosen directory, they are NOT copied)
        Dim files = From d In Directory.EnumerateDirectories(TextBox1.Text, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
                    From f In Directory.EnumerateFiles(d, "*.*")
                    Select f

        Dim txtFilesArray() As String = files.ToArray()

        Dim count As Integer = 0

        Dim asu As New AzureStorageUpload

        ' Get the initial directory which has already been selected
        Dim Prefix As String = LCase(TextBox1.Text)
        Prefix = Replace(Prefix, Path.GetDirectoryName(Prefix), "")

        ' Create a log file to record the progress...
        Dim myLog As String = GetAppPath() & "\UploadLog.txt"

        ' Your file share goes here.  Be sure everything is lower case
        ' Note that your file share must already exist (use the Azure portal to create your fileshare name)
        Dim yourFileShare As String = "yourfileshare"

            ' This will create your initial directory within your file share
            ' Your intention is that you'll be uploading (cloning) everything, including subdirectories and files,
            ' that currently exist on your PC inside your "starting" folder.
            asu.CreateDirectory(yourFileShare, Prefix)
        Catch ex As Exception

        End Try

        MsgBox("Ready to begin uploading files...")

        Dim sw2 As New StreamWriter(New FileStream(myLog, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
        Dim startTime As Date = DateAndTime.Now
        sw2.WriteLine("Starting Upload at " & startTime.ToLongTimeString & " on " & startTime.ToLongDateString)

        mWorking = True

        While mWorking = True
            For i = 0 To txtFilesArray.Length - 1

                Dim origPath As String = txtFilesArray(i)

                If File.Exists(origPath) = True Then
                    Dim pathOnly As String = Replace(origPath, TextBox1.Text, "")
                    Dim l As Integer = InStrRev(pathOnly, "\")

                    ' Create the path - path must be all lowercase (which it is already)
                    Dim newPath As String = Mid(pathOnly, 2, l - 2)
                    If InStr(newPath, "\") = 0 Then
                            asu.CreateDirectory(yourFileShare, Prefix & "\" & newPath)
                        Catch ex As Exception

                        End Try
                        Dim folders() As String = Split(newPath, "\")
                        Dim j As Integer
                        Dim catPath As String = ""
                        For j = 0 To folders.Count - 1
                            If j = 0 Then
                                catPath = folders(j)
                                catPath = catPath & "\" & folders(j)
                            End If
                                asu.CreateDirectory(yourFileShare, Prefix & "\" & catPath)
                            Catch ex As Exception

                            End Try
                    End If

                    newPath = Prefix & "/" & Replace(newPath, "\", "/")

                    Dim dt As Date = DateAndTime.Now
                    sw2.WriteLine("Attempting " & origPath & " at " & dt.ToLongTimeString & " on " & dt.ToShortDateString)
                    tsData1.Text = "#" & Trim(Str(i + 1)) & " of " & Trim(Str(txtFilesArray.Length))

                        asu.UploadFileAsFileToAzureStorage(yourFileShare, newPath, origPath, asu.JobOnly(origPath) & Path.GetExtension(origPath))
                        sw2.WriteLine("Uploading ..." & origPath & "...success.")
                    Catch ex As Exception
                        sw2.WriteLine("Uploading ..." & origPath & "...failed.")
                    End Try

                    sw2.WriteLine(" ")
                End If

            mWorking = False
        End While

        sw2 = Nothing


    End Sub

    Public Sub WaitCursor(ByVal ShowHourglass As Boolean)
        If ShowHourglass = True Then
            Me.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor
            Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default
        End If
    End Sub

    Public Function GetAppPath() As String
        'Obtain the applications's path
        GetAppPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase.ToString())

        GetAppPath = Replace(GetAppPath, "file:\", "")
    End Function

    Private Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
        mWorking = False
    End Sub

    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

    End Sub
End Class

第 6 步:运行项目

假设您要克隆“D:\CRM”上的所有文件和子目录。为此,请在调试模式下运行项目 (F5)。然后,

  1. 单击“选择文件夹”按钮。您添加为 folderBrowserDialog 控件的 fbd1 现在将打开并允许您浏览要克隆的文件夹。在这种情况下,您将导航到“D:\CRM”文件夹并单击“确定”。TextBox1 现在将显示您的文件夹选择 D:\CRM。
  2. 接下来,单击“上传到云端”按钮。该代码现在将枚举所选根文件夹中的所有文件和子目录。但是请注意,根目录中的任何实际文件都不会被枚举。
  3. 枚举完所有文件后,将弹出一个消息框。如果您碰巧有数千个文件和子目录,这可能需要一段时间。单击确定,文件/目录克隆将开始!
  4. 代码中包含一个 StreamWriter,它将创建并写入日志文件,详细说明要传输的每个文件以及每个文件传输的结果(成功或失败)。日志文件位于应用程序的运行路径中,即应用程序的 bin\debug。
  5. 此外,在传输过程中,您会看到每个文件 #(即 512 个中的第 35 个)在处理和上传时的更新。这要归功于添加的名为 tsData1 的 StatusStrip/ToolStripLabel。
  6. 如果您需要停止传输,请单击取消按钮。
  7. 请注意,如果由于某种原因需要重新开始,您可以使用 Azure 门户清除整个文件共享。请注意不要清除错误的文件共享!但这是“重新开始”的最简单方法,因为在使用门户时,除非文件夹为空,否则无法删除文件夹。
  8. Microsoft 提供了一个名为“Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer”的免费下载,它是一个对处理您的 Azure 存储帐户非常有用的 PC 应用程序。
  9. 在表单代码的注释部分,我提到将“ .png”更改为“ . ”以搜索所有文件。但是代码已经设置为使用“ . ”。但是,如果您只是在寻找特定的扩展名,那么请继续将“ . 替换为“ .[desired extension]”。然后,这将仅枚举那些文件,而不是所有文件。
于 2019-09-19T22:23:09.023 回答