我想在 bookdown 文档中添加模型中的表格(除了其他表格),以便自动编号。使用knitr::kable()时效果很好。但是我无法使用模型表的第一个选项sjPlot::tab_model或创建这些表的其他功能来做到这一点,例如stargazer::stargazertexreg::htmlreg

这是一个简单的 .Rmd 示例:

    title: "Example"
    output: bookdown::html_document2

    Bookdown gets numbered tables when using `kable`.

    ```{r tab}
                   caption = "First table")

    But I want to make a `tab_model` table to be also automatically numbered in the document

    ```{r lm-tab1}
    reg_mod <- lm(mpg ~ wt, data = mtcars)
    sjPlot::tab_model(reg_mod, title = "Second table")

    Optionally, I would like to be able to do it with other package for creating automatic model 
    tables, such as `stargazer::stargazer`, `texreg::htmlreg` or perhaps other suggestion

    ```{r lm-tab2, results='asis'}
    stargazer::stargazer(reg_mod, type = "html", title = "Third table")

    ```{r lm-tab3, results='asis'}
    texreg::htmlreg(reg_mod, caption = "Fourth table")

知道如何使tab_model回归模型或任何其他函数与 bookdown 编号一起使用吗?


1 回答 1


文档中所述,如果您(\#tab:my-table-lab)在标题/标题中包含以下标签,则 bookdown 支持自动编号由其他功能生成的表格:


reg_mod <- lm(mpg ~ wt, data = mtcars)
sjPlot::tab_model(reg_mod, title = "(\\#tab:tab-model-table) Second table")
于 2019-09-19T00:09:31.200 回答