我搜索了文档Office Excel API,但根本找不到任何提及,它是如何实现的。


API 功能的运气或某种错误可以通过 VBA 宏轻松解决。


  1. 手动将宏插入工作表中,这将捕获工作表上的一些事件,并且插件中的 JS 将触发该事件(此解决方案来自非常古老的论坛(如果我能找到链接,我会在此处插入))。

  2. 在插件运行时通过JS代码将宏插入工作表(context.workbook.worksheet?),甚至不能被插件执行,但在这种情况下最终用户根本不需要管理宏 - 我们可以制作宏的过程使用相同的逻辑运行更流畅(JS将宏插入工作表,更改工作表中的一些值,然后触发一些宏,然后(例如在JS中的一些超时或JS中的另一个事件之后,我们可以轻松地删除整个带有此宏的工作表))。

所以问题是,是否有可能使用 Excel API 以某种方式制作类似于解决方案 2 的东西?(某种从插件中插入/删除 VBA 代码的功能)



我正在使用 JavaScript API,但不幸的是,该 API 并没有涵盖 VBA 中已经存在的全部功能(我希望如此)。让我通过一个简单的例子来解释它:


  1. 我们需要从工作簿 1 的工作表 1 中复制一些信息

  2. 然后我们需要创建一本书并将值放入新工作簿 2

  3. 然后我们需要向用户建议需要保存它(新工作簿 2)的位置。

  4. 然后我们需要保存并关闭工作簿 2。

VBA 很容易解决这个问题,但是如果 JS API - 这个问题没有完整的解决方案(没有第三方应用程序)。

您可以通过以下链接比较 API JS 和 VBA:

工作簿 JS API


所以我想要做的 - 是在 JavaScript 中编写实际的 VBA 宏并将这个 VBA 宏插入到工作表中以使宏可执行。


我发现,如果您调用select方法直接应用于单元格并Worksheet_SelectionChange在 VBA 中使用捕获选择更改 - 它非常有效。

不幸的是,将值直接设置到单元格不会触发 VBAWorksheet_change

为什么我使用 JS API

目前我已经有一个用于类似任务的 VBA 项目,但是随着项目的发展和发展——这里有一些特性,这里有一些特性,我看到插件 - 是解决关键问题的最佳解决方案 - 它更易于维护、管理、开发,推送更新、安装,它看起来会更好——因为插件只是一个简单的网站

更新 2019/09/20 - 可能的解决方法


我稍微修改了一下并添加了额外的 JS 脚本和 VBA 脚本来完成这个解决方案。所以:

  1. ThisWorkbook在您从 JS 到模块执行任何操作之前,需要插入以下 VBA 宏:

1.1。VBA 宏将处理我们将传输的所有 VBA 代码

Private Sub Workbook_NewSheet(ByVal Sh As Object)
    On Error GoTo endline
    Const SheetName As String = "_WorksheetSheetWorker"


    If InStr(1, Sh.name, SheetName, vbBinaryCompare) >= 0 Then
        If Sh.Range("$A$1") <> vbNullString Then

            Const ModuleName As String = "m_TempMacroJS"

            Dim ws As Worksheet
            Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(SheetName)
            'We will take MacroName from sheet which we added from JS
            Dim MacroName As String
            MacroName = ws.Range("A2").Value2

            Dim rng As Range
            Set rng = ws.Range("A1")
            Dim pathToMacroBas As String

            'Export the content of the cell to a .bas file
            pathToMacroBas = ThisWorkbook.path & "\" & ModuleName & ".bas"
            Open pathToMacroBas For Output As #1
            Print #1, "Attribute VB_Name = """ & ModuleName & """ " & vbNewLine & ws.Range("A1").Value2
            Close #1

            'Declare VBProject Object
            Dim vbaProject As VBProject
            Set vbaProject = ThisWorkbook.VBProject

            'Delete pre-existing module with the same name
            On Error Resume Next
            ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Remove ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(ModuleName)
                On Error GoTo 0

                'Load the code as a new Module
                vbaProject.VBComponents.Import ThisWorkbook.path & "\" & ModuleName & ".bas"
                Dim vbaModule As VBIDE.VBComponent
                Set vbaModule = vbaProject.VBComponents(ModuleName)

                'Run the code and transfer working sheet to macro
                'You can use this worksheet to transfer values to macro as JSON
                Application.Run ModuleName & "." & MacroName, ws

                ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Remove vbaModule 
                Kill pathToMacroBas
                Application.DisplayAlerts = False
                Application.DisplayAlerts = True
            End If
        End If
        Exit Sub
      End Sub

1.2 VBA 宏,它将以编程方式启用Trust access to the VBA project object model。请注意:您仍然需要启用Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3

我在此处的链接上找到了解决方案并对其进行了一些修改 - 宏创建 VBScript 并Trust access to the VBA project object model直接在寄存器中启用。我还不能处理的问题是延迟。保存和关闭现有工作簿需要延迟时间。

Sub CheckIfVBAAccessIsOn()


    Dim strRegPath As String
    strRegPath = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\" & Application.Version & "\Excel\Security\AccessVBOM"

    If TestIfKeyExists(strRegPath) = False Then
      MsgBox "A change has been introduced into your registry configuration. All changes will be saved. Please reopen book."
    End If

  End Sub

  Function TestIfKeyExists(ByVal path As String)
    Dim WshShell As Object
    Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim RegValue As Boolean
    RegValue = WshShell.RegRead(path)
    If RegValue = True Then
      TestIfKeyExists = True
      TestIfKeyExists = False
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
  End Function

  Sub WriteVBS()
    Dim objFile         As Object
    Dim objFSO          As Object
    Dim codePath        As String
    codePath = Me.path & "\reg_setting.vbs"

    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(codePath, 2, True)

    objFile.WriteLine (" On Error Resume Next")
    objFile.WriteLine ("")
    objFile.WriteLine ("Dim WshShell")
    objFile.WriteLine ("Set WshShell = CreateObject(""WScript.Shell"")")
    objFile.WriteLine ("")
    objFile.WriteLine ("MsgBox ""Please wait until Excel will closes! Click OK to complete the setup process.""")
    objFile.WriteLine ("")
    objFile.WriteLine ("Dim strRegPath")
    objFile.WriteLine ("Dim Application_Version")
    objFile.WriteLine ("Application_Version = """ & Application.Version & """")
    objFile.WriteLine ("strRegPath = ""HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\"" & Application_Version & ""\Excel\Security\AccessVBOM""")
    objFile.WriteLine ("WScript.echo strRegPath")
    objFile.WriteLine ("WshShell.RegWrite strRegPath, 1, ""REG_DWORD""")
    objFile.WriteLine ("")
    objFile.WriteLine ("If Err.Code <> o Then")
    objFile.WriteLine ("   MsgBox ""Error"" & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Err.Source & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Err.Message")
    objFile.WriteLine ("End If")
    objFile.WriteLine ("")
    objFile.WriteLine ("WScript.Quit")

    Set objFile = Nothing
    Set objFSO = Nothing

    'run the VBscript code
    ' > The macro will fail to execute the VB script if you use a
    '   [codepath] which contains blanks!
    ' > To fix this issue, we add a pair of double quotes (" ") around
    '   [codepath];
    Shell "cscript " & Chr(34) & codePath & Chr(34), vbNormalFocus

  End Sub
  1. 我根据@DecimalTurn 建议编写的第二部分在 JS 中创建工作表,然后从 VBA 捕获此事件并将整个代码包装在一个 JS 实例中:
    const VBAWorker = function(){
      /* This is a name of tempurary sheet to execute macro */
      this._executedMacroName = "JSSubRunner"
      /* This is the name of sheet worker*/
      this._WorksheetSheetWorkerName = "_WorksheetSheetWorker"
      /* These options can be applied to already existed sheet*/
      this._worksheetExistenceDecisionOptions = {
        replaceSheet : "replaceSheet",
        findNewAvailableName : "findNewAvailableName"

     * Function to run macro using sheet worker
     * @param {String} VBAMacro is a code which will be executed
     * @param {String} transferredValues (optional) are a values which we need 
     * to place into executable macro
     * @param {String} worksheetDesicion (optional) is a desicion which we will if the worker worksheet exists
     * default = "replaceSheet", possible = "findNewAvailableName"
    VBAWorker.prototype.run= async function(VBAMacro, transferredValues = "", worksheetDesicion = "replaceSheet"){
      const defaultWorksheetName = this._WorksheetSheetWorkerName
      let worksheetName = defaultWorksheetName
      const preparedVBAMacro = this._changeMacroName(VBAMacro) 
      await Excel.run(async (context) => {
        /* First we need to check out existence of sheet worker*/
        let sheets = context.workbook.worksheets;

        await context.sync()
         *  In this case we will deside what to do 
         *  if we will find sheet with the same name
         * */ 
        const isSheetExists = this._checkWorksheetExistence(sheets)
        const decisionOptions = this._worksheetExistenceDecisionOptions
        if (isSheetExists){
          switch (worksheetDesicion){
            case decisionOptions.replaceSheet:
              let sheetToReplace = sheets.getItem(worksheetName)
              await context.sync()
            case decisionOptions.findNewAvailableName:
              worksheetName = this._changeNameOfWorkerWorksheet(sheets) 
        } else {
          /* we will keep worksheetName as default */

        let sheet = sheets.add(worksheetName);
        let macroExeCell = sheet.getCell(0,0)
        let macroNameCell = sheet.getCell(1,0)
        let macroValuesCell = sheet.getCell(0,1)
        macroExeCell.values = preparedVBAMacro
        macroNameCell.values = this._executedMacroName
        let preparedValues = []
        const limit = 32700 
        const lengthOfString = transferredValues.length
        // console.log(transferredValues.length)
        // console.log(transferredValues.length / limit)
          if (lengthOfString > limit) {
            try {
              let done = false

              /* during cell lenght limit we will slice string to many*/
              let lastStep = false
              let current = limit
              let oldcurrent = 0

              do {
                let end = current
                let start = oldcurrent
                /* Check that the next simbol not equals to "=" */
                if(transferredValues.slice(end, end + 1) == "="){
                  current += 1
                  end = current

                if (lengthOfString < start ){
                  start = lengthOfString
                if (lengthOfString < end){
                  end = lengthOfString
                  lastStep = true

                preparedValues.push(transferredValues.slice(start, end))

                if (lastStep){
                  done = true
                } else {
                  oldcurrent = current
                  current += limit
              } while (done == false)
              /* Write values to sheet*/
              await preparedValues.forEach(async (el, i)=>{
                macroValuesCell = sheet.getCell(0 + i,1)
                macroValuesCell.values = [[el]]
            } catch (error) {
          } else {
            /* If string.length is less then limit we just put it directly to one cell*/
            macroValuesCell.values = [[transferredValues]]
        return await context.sync();

     * Function to search available name of sheet and return it
     * @param {Array} sheets - worksheet items with 
     * returns suggestedName (string)
    VBAWorker.prototype._changeNameOfWorkerWorksheet = function(sheets){
      try {
        let suggestCounter = 0
        let suggestedName; 
        let suggestedNameIsFree = false;
        let worksheetName = this._WorksheetSheetWorkerName
        do {
          suggestedName = worksheetName + suggestCounter 
          suggestCounter = suggestCounter +1
          suggestedNameIsFree = !this._checkWorksheetExistence(sheets)
        } while (suggestedNameIsFree = false);
        return suggestedName

      } catch (error) {

     * Function to check worksheet name existence
     * @param {Array} sheets - worksheet items with names
     * returns true or false
    VBAWorker.prototype._checkWorksheetExistence = function(sheets){
      let isSheetExists = false
        if(el.name == this._WorksheetSheetWorkerName){
          isSheetExists = true
      return isSheetExists

     * Function to change name of running macro
     * @param {String} VBAMacro is a string that contains executed macro
     * The name of running sub will be changed to "_JSSubRunner"
    VBAWorker.prototype._changeMacroName =function(VBAMacro){
      const regex = /(Sub\s+)(.*)([(])/i
      const renamedVBAMacro = VBAMacro.replace(regex, `Sub ${this._executedMacroName} (`)
      return renamedVBAMacro

    export default VBAWorker


您可以将其用作调用 VBAWorker 的简单实例:

  const VBAWorkerInst = new VBAWorker()
  await VBAWorkerInst.run(
    "your VBA code goes here",
    "your values in string (JSON for example) goes here",
    "optional option:) - a name of decision what we need to do, if sheet already existed"

您的宏可以有任何名称,因为这个 VBAWorker 会处理它并更改该名称以统一它。

请注意:因为 Excel 是异步的,我们需要等到所有的承诺都解决了!所以上面的代码必须封装在异步函数中,否则你可以捕获 Promise 回调。


所以这一切都在这一刻:) 真的希望随着时间的推移会有更简单的解决方案..


2 回答 2



作为免责声明,此方法可能会在您正在使用的 Excel 文件中引入一些漏洞,因此您必须小心这一点,为您的宏、模块和工作表名称使用唯一名称,以确保没有加载项将运行 VBA 代码您的同意。

这个想法是创建一个新工作表并将宏的代码写入该工作表内的单元格(假设单元格 A1)。然后,模块中已经存在一个 VBA 事件过程ThisWorkbook,它将完成繁重的工作以使您的宏运行。

假设Trust access to the VBA project object model已启用并且您已将Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3库添加到工作簿中,您可以在其中包含以下 VBA 事件过程ThisWorkbook

Private Sub Workbook_NewSheet(ByVal Sh As Object)
    If Sh.Name = "NewSheet" Then
        If Sh.Range("$A$1") <> vbNullString Then

            Const ModuleName As String = "MacroJs"
            Const MacroName As String = "YourMacroName"
            Const SheetName As String = "NewSheet"

            Dim ws As Worksheet
            Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(SheetName)

            Dim rng As Range
            Set rng = ws.Range("A1")

            'Export the content of the cell to a .bas file
            Open ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & ModuleName & ".bas" For Output As #1
            Print #1, "Attribute VB_Name = """ & ModuleName & """ " & vbNewLine & ws.Range("A1").Value2
            Close #1

            'Declare VBProject Object
            Dim vbaProject As VBProject
            Set vbaProject = ThisWorkbook.VBProject

            'Delete pre-existing module with the same name
            On Error Resume Next
            ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Remove ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(ModuleName)
            On Error GoTo 0

            'Load the code as a new Module
            vbaProject.VBComponents.Import ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & ModuleName & ".bas"
            Dim vbaModule As VBIDE.VBComponent
            Set vbaModule = vbaProject.VBComponents(ModuleName)

            'Run the code
            Application.Run ModuleName & "." & MacroName

            ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Remove vbaModule 'Optional
            Application.DisplayAlerts = False
            Application.DisplayAlerts = True
        End If
    End If
End Sub

此过程将通过您的 Office-JS 代码创建工作表来触发。


然后您的 JavaScript 代码将如下所示:

var sheets = context.workbook.worksheets;
var sheet = sheets.add("NewSheet");
sheet.getRange("A1").values = 'sub YourMacroName() \n Msgbox "Test" \n End sub';
于 2019-09-19T00:33:29.863 回答

您好,此功能目前不存在 Office.js API。我会在 Office 加载项用户语音网站上发布要求:https ://officespdev.uservoice.com 。谢谢你。

于 2019-09-19T04:09:55.403 回答