似乎 Ez Components 存储库无法与 pyrus 配合使用。当 pyrus 尝试下载软件包时,它似乎是 302。有没有人有运气安装这个?这是 PHPUnit 的要求。

C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.3.5>php pyrus.phar install  ezc/eZComponents
Pyrus version 2.0.0a3 SHA-1: BE7EA9D171AE3873F1BBAF692EEE9165BB14BD5D
Using PEAR installation found at pyrus
Downloading components.ez.no/eZComponents

PEAR2\Pyrus\Package\Exception: Invalid abstract package components.ez.no/eZCompo
 PEAR2\Pyrus\Package\Exception: Could not download from "http://components.ez.no
  PEAR2\Pyrus\Package\Exception: Download failed, received 302

2 回答 2


302是状态码FOUND(意思是:嘿,看看在Location哪里可以找到你要找的东西)。通常客户端应该遵循Location-header 中给出的链接,但 Pyrus 似乎没有。这应该被视为一个错误(如 cweiske 所述)。

于 2011-05-21T22:41:53.117 回答

This is not the only problem. ezComponents Location header redirects to /. So I don't think fixing this bug alone will help. It seems ezComponents has quite a weird setup that pyrus can't deal with.

Pyrus works fine with phpunit.de and so on.

于 2011-05-22T19:09:34.360 回答