?我需要来自 webrtc 库的回调。
如果你知道上面的 PeerConnection 类:
这是 PeerConnection 的旧版本,但现在几乎相同
- 请解释如何
* Copyright 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
package org.webrtc;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
* Java-land version of the PeerConnection APIs; wraps the C++ API
* http://www.webrtc.org/reference/native-apis, which in turn is inspired by the
* JS APIs: http://dev.w3.org/2011/webrtc/editor/webrtc.html and
* http://www.w3.org/TR/mediacapture-streams/
public class PeerConnection {
static {
/** Tracks PeerConnectionInterface::IceGatheringState */
public enum IceGatheringState { NEW, GATHERING, COMPLETE }
/** Tracks PeerConnectionInterface::IceConnectionState */
public enum IceConnectionState {
/** Tracks PeerConnectionInterface::SignalingState */
public enum SignalingState {
/** Java version of PeerConnectionObserver. */
public static interface Observer {
/** Triggered when the SignalingState changes. */
public void onSignalingChange(SignalingState newState);
/** Triggered when the IceConnectionState changes. */
public void onIceConnectionChange(IceConnectionState newState);
/** Triggered when the ICE connection receiving status changes. */
public void onIceConnectionReceivingChange(boolean receiving);
/** Triggered when the IceGatheringState changes. */
public void onIceGatheringChange(IceGatheringState newState);
/** Triggered when a new ICE candidate has been found. */
public void onIceCandidate(IceCandidate candidate);
/** Triggered when some ICE candidates have been removed. */
public void onIceCandidatesRemoved(IceCandidate[] candidates);
/** Triggered when media is received on a new stream from remote peer. */
public void onAddStream(MediaStream stream);
/** Triggered when a remote peer close a stream. */
public void onRemoveStream(MediaStream stream);
/** Triggered when a remote peer opens a DataChannel. */
public void onDataChannel(DataChannel dataChannel);
/** Triggered when renegotiation is necessary. */
public void onRenegotiationNeeded();
/** Java version of PeerConnectionInterface.IceServer. */
public static class IceServer {
public final String uri;
public final String username;
public final String password;
/** Convenience constructor for STUN servers. */
public IceServer(String uri) {
this(uri, "", "");
public IceServer(String uri, String username, String password) {
this.uri = uri;
this.username = username;
this.password = password;
public String toString() {
return uri + "[" + username + ":" + password + "]";
/** Java version of PeerConnectionInterface.IceTransportsType */
public enum IceTransportsType { NONE, RELAY, NOHOST, ALL }
/** Java version of PeerConnectionInterface.BundlePolicy */
public enum BundlePolicy { BALANCED, MAXBUNDLE, MAXCOMPAT }
/** Java version of PeerConnectionInterface.RtcpMuxPolicy */
public enum RtcpMuxPolicy { NEGOTIATE, REQUIRE }
/** Java version of PeerConnectionInterface.TcpCandidatePolicy */
public enum TcpCandidatePolicy { ENABLED, DISABLED }
/** Java version of PeerConnectionInterface.CandidateNetworkPolicy */
public enum CandidateNetworkPolicy { ALL, LOW_COST }
/** Java version of rtc::KeyType */
public enum KeyType { RSA, ECDSA }
/** Java version of PeerConnectionInterface.ContinualGatheringPolicy */
public enum ContinualGatheringPolicy { GATHER_ONCE, GATHER_CONTINUALLY }
/** Java version of PeerConnectionInterface.RTCConfiguration */
public static class RTCConfiguration {
public IceTransportsType iceTransportsType;
public List<IceServer> iceServers;
public BundlePolicy bundlePolicy;
public RtcpMuxPolicy rtcpMuxPolicy;
public TcpCandidatePolicy tcpCandidatePolicy;
public CandidateNetworkPolicy candidateNetworkPolicy;
public int audioJitterBufferMaxPackets;
public boolean audioJitterBufferFastAccelerate;
public int iceConnectionReceivingTimeout;
public int iceBackupCandidatePairPingInterval;
public KeyType keyType;
public ContinualGatheringPolicy continualGatheringPolicy;
public int iceCandidatePoolSize;
public boolean pruneTurnPorts;
public boolean presumeWritableWhenFullyRelayed;
public RTCConfiguration(List<IceServer> iceServers) {
iceTransportsType = IceTransportsType.ALL;
bundlePolicy = BundlePolicy.BALANCED;
rtcpMuxPolicy = RtcpMuxPolicy.NEGOTIATE;
tcpCandidatePolicy = TcpCandidatePolicy.ENABLED;
candidateNetworkPolicy = candidateNetworkPolicy.ALL;
this.iceServers = iceServers;
audioJitterBufferMaxPackets = 50;
audioJitterBufferFastAccelerate = false;
iceConnectionReceivingTimeout = -1;
iceBackupCandidatePairPingInterval = -1;
keyType = KeyType.ECDSA;
continualGatheringPolicy = ContinualGatheringPolicy.GATHER_ONCE;
iceCandidatePoolSize = 0;
pruneTurnPorts = false;
presumeWritableWhenFullyRelayed = false;
private final List<MediaStream> localStreams;
private final long nativePeerConnection;
private final long nativeObserver;
private List<RtpSender> senders;
private List<RtpReceiver> receivers;
PeerConnection(long nativePeerConnection, long nativeObserver) {
this.nativePeerConnection = nativePeerConnection;
this.nativeObserver = nativeObserver;
localStreams = new LinkedList<MediaStream>();
senders = new LinkedList<RtpSender>();
receivers = new LinkedList<RtpReceiver>();
// JsepInterface.
public native SessionDescription getLocalDescription();
public native SessionDescription getRemoteDescription();
public native DataChannel createDataChannel(String label, DataChannel.Init init);
public native void createOffer(SdpObserver observer, MediaConstraints constraints);
public native void createAnswer(SdpObserver observer, MediaConstraints constraints);
public native void setLocalDescription(SdpObserver observer, SessionDescription sdp);
public native void setRemoteDescription(SdpObserver observer, SessionDescription sdp);
public native boolean setConfiguration(RTCConfiguration config);
public boolean addIceCandidate(IceCandidate candidate) {
return nativeAddIceCandidate(candidate.sdpMid, candidate.sdpMLineIndex, candidate.sdp);
public boolean removeIceCandidates(final IceCandidate[] candidates) {
return nativeRemoveIceCandidates(candidates);
public boolean addStream(MediaStream stream) {
boolean ret = nativeAddLocalStream(stream.nativeStream);
if (!ret) {
return false;
return true;
public void removeStream(MediaStream stream) {
public RtpSender createSender(String kind, String stream_id) {
RtpSender new_sender = nativeCreateSender(kind, stream_id);
if (new_sender != null) {
return new_sender;
// Note that calling getSenders will dispose of the senders previously
// returned (and same goes for getReceivers).
public List<RtpSender> getSenders() {
for (RtpSender sender : senders) {
senders = nativeGetSenders();
return Collections.unmodifiableList(senders);
public List<RtpReceiver> getReceivers() {
for (RtpReceiver receiver : receivers) {
receivers = nativeGetReceivers();
return Collections.unmodifiableList(receivers);
public boolean getStats(StatsObserver observer, MediaStreamTrack track) {
return nativeGetStats(observer, (track == null) ? 0 : track.nativeTrack);
// Starts recording an RTC event log. Ownership of the file is transfered to
// the native code. If an RTC event log is already being recorded, it will be
// stopped and a new one will start using the provided file. Logging will
// continue until the stopRtcEventLog function is called. The max_size_bytes
// argument is ignored, it is added for future use.
public boolean startRtcEventLog(int file_descriptor, int max_size_bytes) {
return nativeStartRtcEventLog(file_descriptor, max_size_bytes);
// Stops recording an RTC event log. If no RTC event log is currently being
// recorded, this call will have no effect.
public void stopRtcEventLog() {
// TODO(fischman): add support for DTMF-related methods once that API
// stabilizes.
public native SignalingState signalingState();
public native IceConnectionState iceConnectionState();
public native IceGatheringState iceGatheringState();
public native void close();
public void dispose() {
for (MediaStream stream : localStreams) {
for (RtpSender sender : senders) {
for (RtpReceiver receiver : receivers) {
private static native void freePeerConnection(long nativePeerConnection);
private static native void freeObserver(long nativeObserver);
private native boolean nativeAddIceCandidate(
String sdpMid, int sdpMLineIndex, String iceCandidateSdp);
private native boolean nativeRemoveIceCandidates(final IceCandidate[] candidates);
private native boolean nativeAddLocalStream(long nativeStream);
private native void nativeRemoveLocalStream(long nativeStream);
private native boolean nativeGetStats(StatsObserver observer, long nativeTrack);
private native RtpSender nativeCreateSender(String kind, String stream_id);
private native List<RtpSender> nativeGetSenders();
private native List<RtpReceiver> nativeGetReceivers();
private native boolean nativeStartRtcEventLog(int file_descriptor, int max_size_bytes);
private native void nativeStopRtcEventLog();