该脚本将创建一个保持打开状态的 droplet,让您可以存储 rsync 命令列表并定期执行它们。将此代码复制/粘贴到脚本编辑器中,然后将其保存为Application,并单击“运行处理程序后保持打开”复选框。
- 将文件夹拖放到应用程序图标上以设置 rsync
- 双击应用程序图标或单击停靠图标以从内部列表中删除 rsync 命令。
property rsyncCommandList : {}
property execInterval : 300 -- 300 seconds is 5 minutes
on run
if (count of rsyncCommandList) = 0 then
display alert "No rsync commands set up. Drop a folder on the application icon to set up an rsync command." as informational
end if
end run
on reopen
if (count of rsyncCommandList) > 0 then
set deletableCommandList to (choose from list rsyncCommandList with prompt "Remove unwanted rsync commands" OK button name "Remove selected" with multiple selections allowed and empty selection allowed)
set revisedList to {}
repeat with thisItem in rsyncCommandList
if (get thisItem) is not in deletableCommandList then
copy thisItem to end of revisedList
end if
end repeat
set rsyncCommandList to revisedList
end if
end reopen
on open theseItems
repeat with thisItem in theseItems
set source to POSIX path of thisItem
set destination to POSIX path of (choose folder "Choose a destination folder for bacups of disk item '" & thisItem & "'")
set rsyncString to "/usr/bin/rsync -a " & (quoted form of source) & " " & (quoted form of destination)
copy rsyncString to end of rsyncCommandList
end repeat
end open
on idle
repeat with thisCommand in rsyncCommandList
do shell script thisCommand & " &> /dev/null"
end repeat
return execInterval
end idle