我喜欢在 y 模型中约束变量值 u < 1。将 ub=1 添加到变量定义 u = m.Var(name='u', value=0, lb=-2, ub=1) 但它导致“未找到解决方案”(退出:收敛到局部不可行。问题可能不可行。)。我想我必须重新制定问题以避免这种情况,但我无法找到应该如何完成的示例。在约束变量值时,如何编写适当的模型以避免不可行的解决方案?
我已经通过添加像 m.Equation(u < 1) 这样的方程来重新表述问题,但没有成功。
import numpy as np
from gekko import GEKKO
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplt
m = GEKKO(remote=False)
t = np.linspace(0, 1000, 101) # time
d = np.ones(t.shape)
d[0:10] = 0
# Add data to model
m.time = t
K = m.Const(0.01, name='K')
r = m.Const(name='r', value=0) # Reference
d = m.Param(name='d', value=d) # Disturbance
y = m.Var(name='y', value=0, lb=-2, ub=2) # State variable
u = m.Var(name='u', value=0, lb=-2, ub=1) # Output
e = m.Var(name='e', value=0)
Tc = m.FV(name='Tc', value=1200, lb=60, ub=1200) # time constant
# Update variable status
Tc.STATUS = 1 # Optimizer can adjust value
Kp = m.Intermediate(1 / K * 1 / Tc, name='Kp')
Ti = m.Intermediate(4 * Tc, name='Ti')
# Model equations
m.Equations([y.dt() == K * (u-d),
e == r-y,
u.dt() == Kp*e.dt()+Kp/Ti*e])
# Model constraints
m.Equation(y < 0.5)
m.Equation(y > -0.5)
# Model objective
# options
m.options.IMODE = 6 # Problem type: 6 = Dynamic optimization
# solve
m.solve(disp=True, debug=True)
print('Tc: %6.2f [s]' % (Tc.value[-1], ))
fig1, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = pyplt.subplots(3, sharex='all')
ax1.plot(t, y.value)
ax1.set_ylabel("y", fontsize=8), ax1.grid(True, which='both')
ax2.plot(t, e.value)
ax2.set_ylabel("e", fontsize=8), ax2.grid(True, which='both')
ax3.plot(t, u.value)
ax3.plot(t, d.value)
ax3.set_ylabel("u and d", fontsize=8), ax3.grid(True, which='both')
发生错误。错误代码为 2
如果我将 u 的上限更改为 2,优化问题将按预期解决。