I need to write code that deals with different hardware setups. A prori I don't know which hardware is connected to my system. So I use a object factory that reads some identifiers from the hardware and returns a specialized object. I would like to combine this approach with contextlib but did find out that the object still exists outside the with block. In my case this is a problem as I need to close the connection to my device.

A minimal working example for my problem:

import contextlib

class Dog:
    def speak(self):

class Cat:
    def speak(self):

def get_animal(n):
    print('buy animal')
    if n==0:
        yield Dog()
        yield Cat()
    print('lost animal')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    with get_animal(0) as animal:

This yields

> buy animal
> wuff
> lost animal
> wuff

How can I modify this code such that the final animal.speak() results in a error? I know that I can use del animal to release animal but there must be a more elegant way.


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