我正在尝试在单个程序中在 sycl 中实现矩阵加法和乘法,但在加法部分出现错误[对于类型 'const] 没有可行的重载运算符 []。我不知道错误的原因。如果有人告诉我原因,那将是很大的帮助。谢谢
#include <CL/sycl.hpp>
#include <chrono>
#include <cmath>
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
using namespace cl::sycl;
class mxm_kernel;
void display_matrix(float* m, int matSize) {
if (matSize > 16) {
std::cout << "=======" << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < matSize; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < matSize; j++) {
std::cout << m[i * matSize + j] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "=======" << std::endl;
inline int prevPowerOfTwo(int x) {
if (x < 0) {
return 0;
x |= x >> 1;
x |= x >> 2;
x |= x >> 4;
x |= x >> 8;
x |= x >> 16;
return x - (x >> 1);
inline bool isPowerOfTwo(int x) {
return (x & (x - 1)) == 0;
template <typename T>
bool local_mxm(cl::sycl::queue& q, T* MA, T* MB, T* MC, T* MD, int matSize) {
// Make sure it is power of two before running
if (!isPowerOfTwo(matSize)) {
std::cout << " This example only works with power of two sizes "
<< std::endl;
return true;
auto device = q.get_device();
auto maxBlockSize =
auto blockSize = prevPowerOfTwo(std::sqrt(maxBlockSize));
std::cout << " The Device Max Work Group Size is : " << maxBlockSize
<< std::endl;
std::cout << " The order is : " << matSize << std::endl;
std::cout << " The blockSize is : " << blockSize << std::endl;
// Make sure the block size is not larger than the mat size
blockSize = std::min(matSize, blockSize);
range<1> dimensions(matSize * matSize);
const property_list props = { property::buffer::use_host_ptr() };
buffer<T> bA(MA, dimensions, props);
buffer<T> bB(MB, dimensions, props);
buffer<T> bC(MC, dimensions, props);
buffer<T> bD(MD, dimensions, props);
q.submit([&](handler& cgh) {
auto pA = bA.template get_access<access::mode::read>(cgh);
auto pB = bB.template get_access<access::mode::read>(cgh);
auto pC = bC.template get_access<access::mode::write>(cgh);
auto pD = bD.template get_access<access::mode::write>(cgh);
auto localRange = range<1>(blockSize * blockSize);
accessor<T, 1, access::mode::read_write, access::target::local> pBA(
localRange, cgh);
accessor<T, 1, access::mode::read_write, access::target::local> pBB(
localRange, cgh);
cgh.parallel_for<class matrix_add>(range<2> {matSize, matSize}, [=](id<2> it) {
pD[it] = pA[it] + pB[it];
nd_range<2>{range<2>(matSize, matSize),
range<2>(blockSize, blockSize)},
[=](nd_item<2> it) {
// Current block
int blockX = it.get_group(0);
int blockY = it.get_group(1);
// Current local item
int localX = it.get_local_id(0);
int localY = it.get_local_id(1);
// Start in the A matrix
int a_start = matSize * blockSize * blockY;
// End in the b matrix
int a_end = a_start + matSize - 1;
// Start in the b matrix
int b_start = blockSize * blockX;
// Result for the current C(i,j) element
T tmp = 0.0f;
// We go through all a, b blocks
for (int a = a_start, b = b_start; a <= a_end;
a += blockSize, b += (blockSize * matSize)) {
// Copy the values in shared memory collectively
pBA[localY * blockSize + localX] =
pA[a + matSize * localY + localX];
// Note the swap of X/Y to maintain contiguous access
pBB[localX * blockSize + localY] =
pB[b + matSize * localY + localX];
// Now each thread adds the value of its sum
for (int k = 0; k < blockSize; k++) {
tmp +=
pBA[localY * blockSize + k] * pBB[localX * blockSize + k];
// The barrier ensures that all threads have written to local
// memory before continuing
auto elemIndex = it.get_global_id(1) * it.get_global_range()[0] +
// Each thread updates its position
pC[elemIndex] = tmp;
return false;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
float* MA;
float* MB;
float* MC;
float* MD;
bool sycl = true;
bool error = false;
int matSize = 4;
MA = new float[matSize * matSize];
MB = new float[matSize * matSize];
MC = new float[matSize * matSize];
MD = new float[matSize * matSize];
std::cout << " Input matrix " << std::endl;
display_matrix(MA, matSize);
display_matrix(MB, matSize);
display_matrix(MC, matSize);
display_matrix(MD, matSize);
if (sycl) {
std::cout << " ***** SYCL " << std::endl;
// MatrixC initialization
std::cout << "MATRIX D" << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < matSize; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < matSize; j++) {
MD[i * matSize + j] = 0.0f; // i * matSize + j;
std::cout << MD[i * matSize + j] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "=======" << std::endl;
// MatrixC initialization
std::cout << "MATRIX C" << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < matSize; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < matSize; j++) {
MC[i * matSize + j] = 0.0f; // i * matSize + j;
std::cout << MC[i * matSize + j] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "=======" << std::endl;
// MatrixA initialization
std::cout << "MATRIX A" << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < matSize; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < matSize; j++) {
MA[i * matSize + j] = 0.0f + j; // i * matSize + j;
std::cout << MA[i * matSize + j] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "=======" << std::endl;
// MatrixB initialization
std::cout << "MATRIX B" << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < matSize; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < matSize; j++) {
MB[i * matSize + j] = 0.0f + j; // i * matSize + j;
std::cout << MB[i * matSize + j] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "=======" << std::endl;
cpu_selector device_selector;
queue q(device_selector);
auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
error = local_mxm(q, MA, MB, MC, MD, matSize);
auto end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
auto time =
std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(end - start)
std::cout << "SYCL: ";
std::cout << "Time: " << time << std::endl;
float flops =
(2.0f * matSize * matSize * matSize / (time / 1000.0f)) * 1.0e-9f;
std::cout << "GFLOPs: " << flops << std::endl;
std::cout << " Output " << std::endl;
display_matrix(MC, matSize);
display_matrix(MD, matSize);
delete[] MA;
delete[] MB;
delete[] MC;
return error ? 1 : 0;