我正在尝试学习 XML,我知道这是未正确导入节点的问题。但我无法完全弄清楚。我一直在环顾四周,大多数人没有像我在部门中那样拥有多个子元素。
这是我的 XML 结构:
<DEPARTMENT name="Aviation Technology" id="AT">
<EMPLOYEE type="Faculty">
<NAME>John Doe</NAME>
<EMPLOYEE type="Faculty">
<NAME>Jane Doe</NAME>
<EMPLOYEE type="Faculty">
<NAME>Joe Doe</NAME>
<DEPARTMENT name="Building and Construction Management" id="BCM">
<DEPARTMENT name="Computer Graphics Technology" id="CGT">
我知道 SOT 是我的根元素,部门是 SOT 的“子项”,每个部门都有多个员工“子项”。我遇到的问题是当我尝试将新员工添加到某个部门时。当我尝试时,$departmentArray->item($i)->appendChild($employee);
我正在使用此 PHP 代码尝试将孩子附加到 departmentNode
//grab form data
$username = $_POST['username'];
$employeeName = $_POST['employeeName'];
$department = $_POST['department'];
//create new DOMDocument to hold current XML data
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$xpath = new DOMXpath($doc);
//create our new DOMDocument for combining the XML data
$newDoc = new DOMDocument();
$newDoc->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
//create School of Tech Node and append to new doc
$sotElement = $newDoc->createElement("SOT");
$root = $newDoc->documentElement;
//grab the department Nodes
$departmentArray = $doc->getElementsByTagName("DEPARTMENT");
//create a new employee and set attribute to faculty
$employee = $newDoc->createElement("EMPLOYEE");
$employee->setAttribute("type", "Faculty");
//counters (might use them later for ->item(counter) function
$indexCounter = 0;
$i = 0;
foreach($departmentArray as $departmentNode){
if(strcmp($departmentNode->getAttribute('name'),$department) == 0){//check if departments match
//create login element
$loginNode = $newDoc->createElement("LOGIN");
//create name node
$nameNode = $newDoc->createElement("NAME");
//append employee onto department node
//$departmentArray->item($i) = $doc->importNode($departmentArray->item($i), true);
//set index of department array (possibly used for appending later)
$indexCounter = $i;
/*Write out data to XML file */
//$departmentArray = $doc->getElementsByTagName("DEPARTMENT");
foreach($departmentArray as $departmentNode){
$tempNode = $newDoc->importNode($departmentNode, true);
/*if(strcmp($departmentNode->getAttribute('name'),$department) == 0){
$newDoc->formatOutput = true;