这可能与操作顺序有关,但我不确定。我有一个 SVN 存储库,它使用 subgit 镜像到一个 git 存储库。在 git 中,我从 master 分支到一个特性分支并工作了一段时间。当需要合并回来时,我首先将更新从 svn 拉入 master,然后将这些更新合并到我的特性分支中,修复冲突,然后将我的特性分支合并回 master。最后,我“git push”并看到这个输出:
$ git push
Enumerating objects: 349, done.
Counting objects: 100% (281/281), done.
Delta compression using up to 12 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (137/137), done.
Writing objects: 100% (193/193), 30.75 KiB | 1.10 MiB/s, done.
Total 193 (delta 90), reused 131 (delta 39)
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (90/90), completed with 42 local objects.
remote: Fetching revisions from SVN repository:
remote: up to date
remote: Sending commits to SVN repository:
remote: [1/6] b1b05af => r16591
remote: [2/6] a4a5845 => ------ [skipped]
remote: [3/6] a88f3bb => ------ [skipped]
remote: [4/6] 537dbcf => ------ [skipped]
remote: [5/6] 894e066 => ------ [skipped]
remote: [6/6] de2f49f => ------ [skipped]
remote: Sync completed successfully
现在我仍然可以在 git 中看到所有 6 个提交,但在 svn 中我只看到最后一个合并提交。为什么会跳过提交 2-6?我怎样才能在 svn 中看到所有 6 个提交?