我们有一个相当简单的存储过程,它将所有数据聚合到一个大表中(然后将结果放在另一个表中)。对于一个 5M 行的表,这个过程大约需要 4 分钟 - 这是完全合理的。但是对于一个13M行的表,这个相同的过程大约需要 60 分钟。

看起来我们正在打破某种门槛,我很难找到一个简单的解决方法。手动将其重写为聚合表的一小部分的几个“线程”会导致 10-15 分钟的合理运行时间。



|ROOT:EMIT Operator (VA = 3)
|   |INSERT Operator (VA = 2)
|   |  The update mode is direct.
|   |
|   |   |HASH VECTOR AGGREGATE Operator (VA = 1)
|   |   |  GROUP BY
|   |   |  Evaluate Grouped SUM OR AVERAGE AGGREGATE.
|   |   |  Evaluate Grouped COUNT AGGREGATE.
|   |   |  Evaluate Grouped SUM OR AVERAGE AGGREGATE.
|   |   |  Evaluate Grouped SUM OR AVERAGE AGGREGATE.
|   |   | Using Worktable1 for internal storage.
|   |   |  Key Count: 10
|   |   |
|   |   |   |SCAN Operator (VA = 0)
|   |   |   |  FROM TABLE
|   |   |   |  TableName
|   |   |   |  Table Scan.
|   |   |   |  Forward Scan.
|   |   |   |  Positioning at start of table.
|   |   |   |  Using I/O Size 16 Kbytes for data pages.
|   |   |   |  With MRU Buffer Replacement Strategy for data pages.
|   |
|   |  TO TABLE
|   |  #AggTableName
|   |  Using I/O Size 2 Kbytes for data pages.

更新 2:

                   5M rows     13M rows
CPUTime            263,350    1,180,700 
WaitTime           577,574    1,927,399 
PhysicalReads    2,304,977   13,704,583 
LogicalReads    11,479,123   27,911,085 
PagesRead        5,550,737   19,518,030 
PhysicalWrites     131,924    5,557,143 
PagesWritten       263,640    6,103,708 

更新 3:
set statistics io,time on结果重新格式化以便于比较:

                              5M rows     13M rows
| #AggTableName           |           |            |
| logical reads   regular |    81 114 |    248 961 |
|                 apf     |         0 |          0 |
|                 total   |    81 114 |    248 961 |
| physical reads  regular |         0 |          2 |
|                 apf     |         0 |          0 |
|                 total   |         0 |          2 |
|                 apf IOs |         0 |          0 |
| Worktable1              |           |            |
| logical reads   regular | 1 924 136 |  8 200 130 |
|                 apf     |         0 |          0 |
|                 total   | 1 924 136 |  8 200 130 |
| physical reads  regular | 1 621 916 | 11 906 846 |
|                 apf     |         0 |          0 |
|                 total   | 1 621 916 | 11 906 846 |
|                 apf IOs |         0 |          0 |
| TableName               |           |            |
| logical reads   regular | 5 651 318 | 13 921 342 |
|                 apf     |        52 |         20 |
|                 total   | 5 651 370 | 13 921 362 |
| physical reads  regular |    38 207 |    345 156 |
|                 apf     |   820 646 |  1 768 064 |
|                 total   |   858 853 |  2 113 220 |
|                 apf IOs |   819 670 |  1 754 171 |
| Total writes            |         0 |  5 675 198 |
| Execution time          |     4 339 |     18 678 |
| CPU time                |   211 321 |    930 657 |
| Elapsed time            |   316 396 |  2 719 108 |

5M 行:

Total writes for this command: 0

Execution Time 0.
Adaptive Server cpu time: 0 ms.  Adaptive Server elapsed time: 0 ms.
Parse and Compile Time 0.
Adaptive Server cpu time: 0 ms.
Parse and Compile Time 0.
Adaptive Server cpu time: 0 ms.
Table: #AggTableName scan count 0, logical reads: (regular=81114 apf=0 total=81114), physical reads: (regular=0 apf=0 total=0), apf IOs used=0
Table: Worktable1 scan count 1, logical reads: (regular=1924136 apf=0 total=1924136), physical reads: (regular=1621916 apf=0 total=1621916), apf IOs used=0
Table: TableName scan count 1, logical reads: (regular=5651318 apf=52 total=5651370), physical reads: (regular=38207 apf=820646 total=858853), apf IOs used=819670
Total writes for this command: 0

Execution Time 4339.
Adaptive Server cpu time: 211321 ms.  Adaptive Server elapsed time: 316396 ms.

13M 行:

Total writes for this command: 0

Execution Time 0.
Adaptive Server cpu time: 0 ms.  Adaptive Server elapsed time: 0 ms.
Parse and Compile Time 1.
Adaptive Server cpu time: 50 ms.
Parse and Compile Time 0.
Adaptive Server cpu time: 0 ms.
Table: #AggTableName scan count 0, logical reads: (regular=248961 apf=0 total=248961), physical reads: (regular=2 apf=0 total=2), apf IOs used=0
Table: Worktable1 scan count 1, logical reads: (regular=8200130 apf=0 total=8200130), physical reads: (regular=11906846 apf=0 total=11906846), apf IOs used=0
Table: TableName scan count 1, logical reads: (regular=13921342 apf=20 total=13921362), physical reads: (regular=345156 apf=1768064 total=2113220), apf IOs used=1754171
Total writes for this command: 5675198

Execution Time 18678.
Adaptive Server cpu time: 930657 ms.  Adaptive Server elapsed time: 2719108 ms.

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