我正在努力将我的网站连接到 Google Adwords,以根据我网站中的产品创建广告和营销活动。我尝试通过发送直接 curl 请求进行连接并解析收到的 SOAP 响应。但这对于每个请求来说都太复杂了。所以我尝试使用 Google Code 中提供的 PHP 客户端库。但是没有一个示例正常工作。我更改了 auth.ini 文件中的用户帐户详细信息,但仍在执行它说的示例文件
获取 authToken 失败。原因: 无法连接到主机'.
以下是从 Google adwords 获取所有广告的代码,这是来自客户端库的示例文件
$path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../src';
set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $path);
require_once 'Google/Api/Ads/AdWords/Lib/AdWordsUser.php';
try {
// Get AdWordsUser from credentials in "../auth.ini"
// relative to the AdWordsUser.php file's directory.
$user = new AdWordsUser();
// Log SOAP XML request and response.
// Get the AdGroupAdService.
$adGroupAdService = $user->GetAdGroupAdService();
$adGroupId = (float) '01';
// Create selector.
$selector = new Selector();
$selector->fields = array('Id', 'AdGroupId', 'Status');
$selector->ordering = array(new OrderBy('Id', 'ASCENDING'));
// Create predicates.
$adGroupIdPredicate = new Predicate('AdGroupId', 'IN', array($adGroupId));
// By default disabled ads aren't returned by the selector. To return them
// include the DISABLED status in a predicate.
$statusPredicate =
new Predicate('Status', 'IN', array('ENABLED', 'PAUSED', 'DISABLED'));
$selector->predicates = array($adGroupIdPredicate, $statusPredicate);
// Get all ads.
$page = $adGroupAdService->get($selector);
// Display ads.
if (isset($page->entries)) {
foreach ($page->entries as $adGroupAd) {
printf("Ad with id '%s', type '%s', and status '%s' was found.\n",
$adGroupAd->ad->id, $adGroupAd->ad->AdType, $adGroupAd->status);
} else {
print "No ads were found.\n";
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Inside catch exception';
print $e->getMessage();
并在 settings.ini 文件中
DEFAULT_SERVER = "https://adwords-sandbox.google.com"
在 auth.ini 文件中,我的 Google 帐户的用户名和密码设置正确。